Make Money With Youtube Partner Program Adsense

Make Money With Youtube Partner Program Adsense Hey guys it's Marcus here with affiliate marketing dude calm check out affiliate marketing dude get all the cool updates and videos and webinars and everything to help you make money online but today.

Make Money With Youtube Partner Program Adsense

What I'd like to do is talk to you about how to make more money with the YouTube Partner Program now there's a lot of buzz going on about this YouTube Partner Program and how to make money and how to.

Get money deposit it into your adsense account and actually get paid for the videos that you put on YouTube and I hope you like my little sign it took me awhile to color in but I think it looks.

Pretty cool so what we're going to do now is I'd like to do YouTube stars vs TV ad revenue now I realize that YouTube stars are not TV guys right they don't command the respect that the TV guys do.

Or the income big-time right but they are making some money so what I have here is I have two different YouTube stars I'll put the you know resources that I got this information from below.

But the YouTube stars we have mr. Dawson who is making an average of about three hundred fifteen thousand dollars per year off of his youtube videos pretty cool right money can be made online but.

I want to show you a better way so he's making about 315 grand a year but over 36 million or I'm sorry / 360 1 million people have seen his video so 361 million people alright another guy we.

Have is the annoying orange he makes about two hundred and eighty eight thousand dollars a year and his videos have been seen at the time of the earnings I should say because this is.

The time of the earnings is what they made I don't know what they've made to date because this data is not like right now alright so the annoying orange he has about 280 eight thousand dollars per.

Year and about 236 million viewers alright so that's pretty cool here's two guys making over a quarter million dollars with YouTube videos now I want a disclaimer this because it's very very.

Difficult to get that many people on YouTube so I applaud these guys they did great job but i want to point something out right because the average they're making with the YouTube Partner Program.

Is around point zero eight seven cents a click so they're not even making a tenth of a penny per viewer right so very very very low ad revenue now let's go over to the.


    Other side and talk about TV ad revenue

    And this is all going to make sense in a minute I'm going to show you exactly how to make a ton of money with your youtube videos all right so TV ad revenue this.

    Is the revenue that they get for a 30-second spot ok so the Biggest Loser is averaging about a hundred and six thousand dollars for a 30-second spot and I think their shows around two hours.

    Per episode which brings in about 3.2 million dollars per episode now you look at these YouTube guys and it's like dudes got like 361 million viewers that's pretty darn cool right but you.

    Look at this The Biggest Loser only has seven to eight million viewers per episode and yet they're making so much more money right and then you have the king of TV american idol that commands.

    The biggest revenue which is about five hundred and two dot or five hundred and two thousand dollars per 30 second commercial alright so when you see Pepsi or coke or whatever flashes on American.

    Idol right every time you see that little 30-second spot they're getting 500 grand and they have 19 million viewers alright very very very important because combined the viewers aren't as.

    Big as these guys but the numbers in ad revenue I mean American Idol is making an average of like 14 million dollars per episode any times that by 25 episodes or 20 to 25 episodes per season.

    And you got a huge huge huge ad revenue right or if you break it down per view they're getting about 71 cents per view that means that makes 71 cents every time you watch American Idol which is.

    Pretty cool like i watch American Idol they get paid 71 sets pretty cool right so here's a deal what makes the difference between less than a tenth of a penny per view and 71 sense of view.

    Because I want to be over here right I

    Want to get 71 sense of view because if you had 71 sets of view on 306 c 1 million people you make a lot more than three hundred and fifteen grand.

    Alright so let's talk about how you do that right what is the secret to making money on this stuff well number one how many of you guys like to watch an ad before you watch a video yeah I don't.

    Either right and how many of you guys actually click on the adds that come on videos yet not that many unless it's relevant so what we want to talk about is education marketing and including.

    Things that have to do with what your video is about but you might be saying Marcus well you know you look at these guys and some of them are just doing funny stuff or you know a celebrity.

    Spoof or something like that they're not actually selling stuff you know whatever they're doing okay now I want to bring up one example all right and I'll do my best to draw this last week I was.

    Looking for a grill right and this grill was really cool it's like those hibachi grills that you get error that you see it like benihanas and stuff and I wanted to buy one of these and i found this.

    Hibachi grill that looked pretty cool and i was ready to buy it right thing was like three hundred dollars i think and you know this is after years of researching if you put your little.

    Propane tank here or whatever alright i know it was going to buy this hibachi grill it's three hundred dollars now the affiliate company for this hibachi grill pays me eight let's put a eight percent.

    To ten percent per sale which means for this hibachi grill I would get approximately let's say twenty seven dollars per sale right so you buy the Boche grill I get 27 bucks now there is.

    A whole YouTube community around this grill there's people with thousands of views about this grill and I actually watched these videos on YouTube and it made up my mind to actually purchase the.

    Grill which would have resulted in a $27 affiliate Commission because it was related to the grill right and go to affiliate marketing dude calm I have a report on how this works on all the.

    Affiliate offers that are there and everything right so you might be saying well Marcus that's all fine and good okay so let's say you have a hundred people who view your video and one.

    Person buys okay so one percent buys one guy buys out of those hundred views you still made 27 cents per viewer just by linking them to what they have now unfortunately all the people in this.

    Community are not doing this all right so for those of you who have some thing about the black stone grille on YouTube go sign up for an affiliate program at Commission Junction sell the damn grill.

    And make some money alright so you might be saying well Marcus you know that's all fine and good and everything and I know how you could do that in a market that's so targeted where people want to.

    Buy something but what about my market where all I'm doing is having funny jokes right so let's say maybe your your videos are about funny jokes okay or maybe your videos are about like how do.

    I make money on WordPress or not even money let's just say WordPress like how to install WordPress or whatever or let's say you have like a site where you critique sports right or you know.

    YouTube channel where you you do sports okay or maybe you have a youtube channel where maybe all you do is talk about like Bible stuff all right and you recite Bible verses or whatever or maybe.

    You have something where you tell people let's say how to make cartoons of their self or caricatures right how to draw caricatures or whatever or funny faces funny celebrity faces funny celeb or.

    Even celebrity gossip and I'll try to write this okay you might be saying well Marcus is how fine I know how I can sell a grill that's great but you got to get a lot of views and you have to sell.

    Something but in these examples the funny jokes let's say you're just being a goof on youtube or you know you're like those guys who put the Mentos into Pepsi or whatever it is some stuff like.

    That and you're like okay whatever I want to make money with that stuff too so do I sign up for the YouTube Partner Program and make like less than a tenth of a penny of you.

    I mean it's hard to get these I i I've no work I know youtube very well and i'm at i think 207,000 views in the last three years great if i want i was only making this I not do good at all but in.

    Fact I'm making a lot more in my youtube channel average is over a dollar per visitor actually a lot more than that right and you look at it so how do we go from this side to these kind of numbers.

    Because friends I believe it can be done well check it out let's say you have a funny joke website all right there is a funny joke toolbar that gets you approximately three dollars if someone.

    Downloads it right so you say hey I hope you like my jokes by the way check out my site download the tool bar you get lots of funny jokes very easy as simple as that let's say you're doing WordPress.

    You say hey by the way if you want to install WordPress let's go get you some hosting because you need hosting right and hosting pays you a hundred to a hundred and fifty dollars per sale.

    Pretty cool right all right you got to sell something so that's the harder of them another one you have a sports you say okay I hope you like this stuff if you want to stay up on top of all the.

    Sports numbers all the sports stuff right go to the toolbar sports toolbar will just put t be right sports toolbar pays you approximately two dollars and fifty cents per download and it's free.

    DISCLAIMER: In this description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I'll receive a small commission. This helps support the channel and allows us to continue to make videos like this.All Content Responsibility lies with the Channel Producer. For Download, see The Author's channel. The content of this Post was transcribed from the Channel:

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