Make $17,500 Per Month On YouTube Re-uploading Videos - Make Money Online

Make $17,500 Per Month On YouTube Re-uploading Videos - Make Money Online Hello guys Berko beings here in this video I'm going to show you guys how to make over $70,000 per month on YouTube uploading videos in 2020 so this should be a paid course but I'm going to give.

Make $17,500 Per Month On YouTube Re-uploading Videos - Make Money Online

You guys these for free because I really appreciate my youtube subscribers so this is going to be step-by-step video it is going to be a little bit longer but if you really want to make some.

Money online I highly recommend you guys to watch this video till and and also guys if you are new to my youtube channel make sure to press that subscribe button because we upload daily.

Videos on this channel on how to make money online how to make money on YouTube so you don't want to miss that out so first of all what type of videos we are going to upload on our YouTube.

Channel so if you go in search for relax musical and you're going to see these videos that has crazy amounts of views you can see this one has over 180 million views.

You can see this one has 143 million views and a lot of you guys are going to ask me how can i monetize these videos so we're going to monetize this type of videos with two different income streams.

First income stream is this website that I'm going to show you guys a little bit later but you can sell these relaxing music and earn commissions for every single.

Soul really relaxing music subscription so I really want to show you guys this and second way is you can monetize this type of videos with Adsense so to show you guys the proof you can go and do it.

Yourself you can you can see that this is YouTube's help so can i monetize videos that are music so you can monetize the videos that are music from YouTube add library and second thing.

That I want to show you guys is that you can monetize Creative Commons videos so you can you can i monetize Creative Commons videos yes you can so I want to show you guys step-by-step how to do.

This because this is going to something very different so first thing that you want to see is you you can see this really popular niche that is really important to know because if these.

Videos are getting let's say 100 million views 200 million views that means that it is really possible for you to get at least for example 1 million views on your YouTube channel so 1 million views.


    From Adsense you can earn around $3,000

    But with this method that I'm about to show you guys you can earn way more than one thousand or three thousand dollars per 1 million views because this is.

    Going to be something very different so you can see there are a lot of popular videos 25 million views you can see this one has 79 million views and it is really interesting you can see let's.

    Play it for a little bit just to show guess how it looks like so you can go in search on youtube find it yourself so basically what is this relaxed music it is just a music in the background in.

    Some video that is very relaxing so you can see this is the sound of rain and also you can see that there is a relaxing music so this is a combination that I'm going to show you guys how you.

    Can create by yourself it is really easy to do so I want to show you guys this channel because this is one of the biggest channels in this niche and he's making crazy amounts of money I highly.

    Doubt that you can make same amount of money as him but let's see if you can make seventeen thousand dollars per month doing this method it is going to be very life-changing for you so he's.

    Making maybe 1 million dollars per month or something like that some crazy amounts of money I don't actually know exactly how ki how much money he makes but he makes some crazy crazy money so.

    Right here you can see in last 30 days this channel has got 56 million views so you can see daily he's getting from 1 9 to 2.5 million views and that is crazy amount of money and also he sends some.

    Different programs so he's not making money from Adsense but he is making way way more money from some other platforms that I'm going to show you guys so let's say if you monetize your videos with ads.

    For 2 million views you could make free

    Let's see you make 3 dollars per thousand views for 2 million views per day you can make 6 thousand dollars from ad revenue but that is nothing compared.

    To something that I'm going to show you guys right now so I'm going to show you guys first how you can create this type of videos so it is very easy so first thing that you want to do is you want to.

    Find some videos that are not copyrighted creative comments just like show you guys so if you don't use creative comments that I'm going to show guys you got not going to get.

    Monetized so that is really important to know so if you want to monetize your videos you need to use these specific creative comments videos but if you use something else you're not going to get.

    Monetized so first thing that we want to do is you want to find some of the beautiful videos just like this that you can use in your video so what I usually do is I go on pixels and what you can do.

    Is you can search for anything that you can imagine right here so let's go in search for nature and what you want to do is you don't want to go with images you want to go with videos so you can.

    Find these really beautiful nature videos you can see this is really high quality and right here at the bottom you can see it is free to use so you can monetize this video so you don't need to.

    Worry about getting copyright strike so you can see this is really beautiful video we can use it in our video or we can go and use some of the let's say rain videos so we are going to include.

    Some rain in our videos so we can go and download for example let's see this one so this is a very interesting one we can use that we can use a little bit of night because this is something that is.

    Really enjoyable so what we want to do is we want to find some different videos on pixels that we are going to combine and create our relaxing video and let's go and download a few of these so we.

    Have already downloaded two we're going to download a few more let's see this one we're going to download also this one so we have now four videos and I want to show you guys how you can create.

    This example so first thing that you want to do is we have found the videos now what we need to find is relaxing music and rain sounds so this is something that you can play a little bit.

    With your different ideas but what you want to do is you want to go on YouTube you want to log in on your YouTube channel and what what you can see right here on the left is you can see audio.

    Library so this audio library click on that and right here you can find different music that you can use in your videos for example let's go with mood and let's go wheat or let's go with.

    Instruments so we're going to select piano so what are we going to do is we're going to find this piano you can if you click right here you can see you are free to use in any of your video so.

    You can use this music in any of your videos and of course I can show you guys that if from audio library you can monetize your videos so if you use sounds from audio library you can.

    Monetize your videos so you don't need to worry about getting copyright strike or something like that so what we want to do is you want to go and for example down this.

    Sound right here so it is really easy to download it and at the end of the video I'm going to show you guys I'm going to put the final product so you can see how this looks like so we have downloaded.

    This audio right here and we want to click on sound effects so we want to download some rain so rain let's search for that and you can see whether we're going to go with light rain so we are.

    Going to download also that sound so we have now the sound and the most important part about creating these type of videos is you need to actually go and create it a little bit longer so you.

    Need to reach that for example one hour mark or two hours mark so it is going to be much easier to monetize your fresh new YouTube channel because to get monetized on YouTube you need 1000.

    Subscribers in 4000 watch hours so when you have these long crazy videos you're going to reach that 4000 watch hours like nothing so you don't need some crazy amounts of views to reach 4000.

    Watch hours so what you need to do next is you want to go and find any video editor I'm using Camtasia Studio but you can go and use whatever you want to so what I would do is I would take all.

    These videos that I have downloaded with Creative Commons license I'm going to put them in this video like this so we're going to end of course you can use any of the videos that are licensed with.

    Creative Commons so you don't need to worry about getting copyright strike or something like that so what are we going to do is we're going to put all these videos and let's make it enough so we.

    Don't want to put all of the videos we want to create few minutes of content we're going to put right here the song that we're going to include relaxing sound we're going to include in our.

    Video and what are we going to do is we're going to put this rain sound so right here you can see we have with a little bit of work - for almost three minutes of content so I want to show.

    Guys at the end how this video looks like so you can see it is playing the sound in the background and what you can also see right here is this is these are free videos as I said but you can see.

    There are very high quality so this is really amazing to see because we can use these videos for free so I'm going to put that video at the end so you can see the final product how it looks like how.

    DISCLAIMER: In this description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I'll receive a small commission. This helps support the channel and allows us to continue to make videos like this.All Content Responsibility lies with the Channel Producer. For Download, see The Author's channel. The content of this Post was transcribed from the Channel:

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