Adsense Approval + $100 A Day Plan (get accepted fast)

Adsense Approval + $100 A Day Plan (get accepted fast) Back in the olden days advertisements came in magazines like this these are ads are from the early 1900s and they would run ads in various different magazines and things like that on how to go to sleep or how to make money or whatever it was now today in 2022 we got adsense that's right you can pop a simple little code on your website and get paid without having to ship magazines or having to get advertisers.

Adsense Approval + $100 A Day Plan (get accepted fast)

Or get checks or whatever it is and today we're going to talk about how to make money with the old adsense ads we're going to talk about this we got notes we got all kind of things to go through to show you how to get approved with adsense how to make a hundred dollars a day with adsense where to put adsense on your site and how to make money with all this stuff so if you are excited about this make sure you smash that like button let everyone know you're excited including me right i do this for the likes actually i do it.

Because it makes a lot of money but the likes are good too right so we're going to take a look at how this works and how to get approved now you might be saying well marcus you know who made you the expert on adsense well i'm not the expert but i have made several hundred thousand dollars with adsense and i've made millions and millions of dollars with other means of marketing and adsense alternatives and all kinds of different stuff like that so today put your listening ears on get your notepaper take some notes.

Because we're going to talk all about adsense i've been using adsense since the beginning actually started a seo company back in the year 2000 and we used to get sites ranked and i used to get my own sites ranked and do affiliate offers and in 2003 adsense came out and i was like i was like a pig in the slop i was so happy because adsense provided a way to make money without even having to sell anything i didn't have to go get ads it just automatically went on my site and you might have seen adsense the ads used.

To look like this in the old days before they became more involved now they're more involved and more interactive and there's like little robots behind the scenes trying to figure out what you want to click on because obviously the more you click the more money they make and so we got to look at that and really look at this and understand what's going on in the olden days adsense look like this and in my opinion from testing hundreds of millions of visitors this actually still converts better than some of this stuff now we're going to talk about some of these other.

Ads because sometimes they follow you around and figure out what you want and we need to understand exactly how adsense works because some people do adsense and make pennies on the dollar and some people do add cents and make dollars on the penny so we got to understand exactly how this works because the more you make the better you do this the quicker you get accepted the more you can make and we gotta understand how this works now what happens here is these little ads you might have seen them right from these little ads like this or little guys like.

This or even ads that say like new american funding cash gets your offer accepted or whatever it is or big buttons like this how many of you guys have seen buttons like this smash the like button and let me know in the um in the comments as well or even ads like this yes ladies and gentlemen this was an adsense ad where it says grandma gets attacked what did she do and there's grandma there and you're like oh my gosh what's gonna happen to grandma i gotta click to figure out what's gonna happen.

To grandma because we don't know what's going to go on here but you know grandma needs to get a safe personal alarm apparently because that's what we want to do here now adsense is actually extremely simple and we need to understand the process and understand this as a whole which this training is going to be about not only how to get accepted and how to make money and how to make the most money possible but it's also going to be about how to use this in a way that's going to get you the results you want in a way that the.

Advertisers are happy and they're getting clicks that they want and everyone is happy because when everyone's happy your check is gonna be a lot bigger than if everybody's sad so we gotta understand this and we're gonna talk about this in a real world way now if you like adsense i got some other videos for you we'll talk about at the end of this training but i want you to get a lay of the land here this is what the ads look like what you're going to do is you're going to sign up for adsense you're going to put this little code on your site once the code's on your site.

It's going to show ads you're going to get paid when people click the ads yada yada yada pretty simple you're going to get checks now you got to pay attention here because there are literally millions and millions of websites that are running google adsense right now why because it works it really really works and it really makes money now i gotta tell you adsense for me is a supplement not the main course so we gotta look at this and say okay there.

Are ways to make other money and we're gonna look at those but adsense is a supplement and sometimes adsense will be the main course depending on exactly what you're trying to do all right now what i did is i went through and i'm a nut right i do this stuff for a living and i'm obsessed with affiliate marketing i'm obsessed with internet marketing i'm obsessed with seo i'm obsessed with this stuff like crazy and so what i did is i actually paid like 500 a month to get reports of all these people that are running.

Adsense and i'm like hey i want to see the top sites that are running adsense and see what they're making and you can see here we got lots of sites that are running adsense lots of sites that are doing this stuff now if you want to a list of these we're actually going to do a list of 100 crazy adsense niches over at and if you want to watch the training where i go through the 100 niches join that's going to be on our next tuesday bonus training.


    Awesome stuff guys we're going to show you how it works now let's talk about how to get approved

    Because a lot of people are like marcus you know what buddy i need to get approved because if i'm not approved i can't put adsense on my site and if i can't put adsense on my site i'm not going to get paid and not getting paid is sad so we got to talk about this adsense approval process let's talk about how this works now first of all there's three steps all right first of all you got to have a google account pretty.

    Simple you go to the google you get an account a gmail or something like that then you gotta have a phone number and a postal address all right this is where your check's gonna go to make sure you're legit the number one thing here is you gotta be legit as uncle rico said on napoleon dynamite we gotta get badges and and name tags with our picture and whatnot we gotta look legit man if you like that type napoleon dynamite in the comments but we gotta look legit and we.

    Gotta be legit we gotta go out there and do stuff that is on the up and up then what we're gonna do is we're gonna connect our site to adsense now there's two count em two types of adsenses number one is hosted and number two is non-hosted okay so we gotta look at this and look at hosted versus non-hosted this is the difference between actually having your own website and not and we'll get our trusty pen.

    Here and we're going to talk about hosted versus non-hosted now when you're looking at this you might have things like blogger or like maybe youtube or whatever these are google owned properties or gop for short all right i just made that up you don't have to pay extra for the fancy acronyms those come free ladies and gentlemen then you're going to have this stuff where you have your own properties when you have your own.

    Properties it's going to be like your own website or maybe your own video website or maybe this or that okay this is properties that you own now more or less these are going to be on your own website which is going to have its own or net or dot org website okay now with blogger different approval process because they're looking at their own sites youtube different approval process because this is their own thing and you have to have certain criteria and you.

    Have to meet certain rules on your own site same deal you got to have certain rules you can't have sites about shady stuff or weird stuff that they don't want because if you make the advertisers mad then google's going to be like hey the advertisers don't want to pay us so you know we don't want that kind of stuff in our wheelhouse all right so that's the difference between a hosted versus non-hosted now what we're going to look at is how to know if you're eligible to join the adsense network all right how do you know if you're eligible to join the network.

    How can i get approved really fast well first of all what we need to do is we need to look at host partner accounts if you're doing the hosted stuff or regular if you're doing the regular now what we have to do is we have to have some legit traffic all right first and foremost you need to have legit traffic now what does that mean that means you can't go to fiverr and get a guy who's gonna get you 10 000 clicks overnight that means you can't spam that means you can't do junk you.

    Got to have legit traffic now the best way to get seo or to get uh an adsense account in my opinion is my opinion this is my ideas this is what i've learned after doing this for 22 years the best way to get approved is to get an seo website what does this mean well what this means is you have to go out there and you have to build a website.

    With some content all right we'll make some content here here's our content about one subject matter and make it a subject that's not on the naughty list right google's like santa claus you have to do stuff that's in the legit niches you have to do stuff that is on the up and up you don't want to do shady things so i was doing research on this i found a ton of people with adsense sites.

    About sewing like literally they're making money with sewing and he said well marcus how are

    You going to make money with sewing well guess who runs ads on those sites joanne fabrics michaels crafting stores getting the drift they got lots of money and i'll take a little bit right let's get some ads let's get this stuff running so what you're going to do is you're going to create one site about a subject matter all right you're going to follow the stuff in my training right here on the youtube on my channel here at affiliate.

    Marketing dude i got a ton of knowledge about how to set this up we talk about how to buy expired domains we talk about how to buy sites on flippa we talk about how to make this work and the fastest way is either get an existing site or get backlinks to a new site well marcus i don't want to do that i just want to make money tomorrow i mean can't i just get money doing nothing i mean those other videos say that i can make money clicking a button over and over and over and over again well last time i checked there was.

    Nobody paying you to click a button over and over again you got to get good content and you got to be on the up and up because here's the deal all right if you look for tactics and shortcuts you're gonna fizzle out i've been doing this for 22 years people come and people go courses come and gurus come and gurus go and guess what i've been going along steady as can be for 22 years.

    Why now i will admit yes ladies and gentlemen i did try some tactics and guess what they're no longer making me money i did try some shortcuts guess what most of them if they're just quick fixes they're not making me money anymore so what i want to do is i want to set something up long term right do you guys want to make money like today and fizzle out or do you want to make a living for the like rest of your life i've been doing this for most of my life right i'm 43 or.

    Something so one year it's most of my life right there you go but i've been doing this a long time and we look at this and we want to do this long term because slow and steady wins the race hands down you heard about the tortoise and the hair you heard about in the hairs like jacking all around and trying to buy guru courses and i'm over here just hey i'm just going to be the turtle good i'm going to be slow and steady and what we're going to do is we're going to look at this now that doesn't mean there.

    Aren't some fast tactics i could go out there i can go on godaddy i could buy a website you saw me do it with the nerd getting fit website right i bought that thing a week later boom we're ranking could i get accepted with a site like that yeah very easy very easy all in all that site cost me about 333 dollars for the domain and then i didn't want to write content myself so i paid another 600 bucks or so for content so i'm in it at less than a thousand bucks boom there.

    We go we're ready to go all right we have to understand how this works now if you don't have 600 or 333 or whatever all right you could do the hosted one you could go to blogspot you could start a youtube channel you could do whatever you want my advice would be whether you're doing all of this because the traffic that i get i want to keep i want to keep this traffic for me i want to make it work so what i would do is i would either go to go hub site dot com.

    And for like 90 bucks a year you can have your own website they give you a free domain name you can have multiple websites all right if you're going to be in this to win it be in it to win it stop messing around go out there and make good content do good work but here's the tip and i'm gonna give you this tip focus on keywords other people aren't focusing on because people say oh seo is hard no it's not seo is not hard if you go for words that have no competition.

    Right like i'm gonna go and i'm five feet tall so if i wanted to win a basketball game which i suck at basketball by the way and obviously i'm five feet tall i do the baskets way up there i'm not gonna go and challenge shaq to a game of basketball i'm gonna go chat challenge some guy who does not know how to play and be like hey you ever seen a basketball no what's that all right i'm going to challenge you i want to make this easy and i could go to and i could start a site or if you want an even quicker head.

    Start you can go to high ticket and we'll set this up for you okay now those those will be easy when we look at this we have to say okay here's how i'm going to start so what i'm going to do is i'm going to make a site with good content all right this will take you a week a month whatever and by week or month i don't mean full time you work an hour a day set it up all right trust me the guy out there that's trying to rig the system and make it quick he's going to take all this time that.

    You're going to take it's going to take the same amount of time and then at the end of six months he ain't going to have nothing to show for it you will all right so we're going to go out there and we're going to build something of value want an adsense account build a valuable site say it with me say it again you want an adsense account build a valuable website very simple that's what you do well marcus i want a shortcut we'll build it faster well marcus you don't understand this guru joe said i could.

    Forget about guruju make a site make it good make it simple all right very simple now what do i need to sign up for adsense well you need to have a good site okay you need to go out there and you can do that now we're going to go through and down here i got some tips on how to get approved we're going to go through those in a minute but what i want to do first is i want you to understand the difference between ad words and adsense okay a lot of people mix this up.

    Here's the deal say it with me adsense is you equal money that's what adsense is adsense is where google ads are paying me money okay so i build a website i put the code on there and it puts these little ads and i get paid when the ads are clicked i don't have to sell anything don't have to get anyone fill out forms they click i get paid say it with me ladies and.

    Gentlemen type it in the box put it in the comments if you're following along adsense i get paid got it cool smash the like button if you got it next add words equals i pay money that's the difference the difference between adsense and adwords is adsense.

    I'm getting paid to put ads on my site adwords i pay money to put ads on google and other websites so it's the exact opposite how do you get paid on adsense well these guys that are paying through adwords are paying the adsense people and google says hey we're going to give you a cut and it's actually a really generous cut i've heard estimates that it's around 68 which means if they pay a dollar to google you get 68 cents hey i'll take.

    Those apples any day of the week and i've got to worry about checks i don't got to worry about nothing adsense handles the whole thing it didn't take handle it all right like with this youtube channel here it runs ads and i i got the monetization on it's through the adsense platform i don't got to go and say hey i'm going to make this video you want to advertise on it nah google's like hey we got people we got people you're probably looking at them right now you probably got a few ads while you're watching the video so that's the difference between ad.

    Words versus adsense now there's another thing here which is the adwords tool marcus i'm getting confused adwords adsense adwords stool well here's the deal the adwords tool is insight into what makes money so you remember how i said hey there's a lot of people out there and these people have they have these sites that are about knitting right or sewing sewing patterns all right sewing patterns.

    Now the google adwords keyword planner which is this right here this is a keyword planner we hit get results and what this is going to do is it's going to give us results for sewing patterns and it's taking its time which means we get to have some coffee maybe we should give it some coffee so it'll move a little quicker but we're gonna have some coffee here so we're gonna go through now.

    We got a blouse pattern let's get rid of this so we can see everything sewing patterns 22 cents a click 72 cents now when we look at this this ladies and gentlemen is a rule of thumb there's the thumb there's the rule it does not mean you are guaranteed to get two dollars a click for the word blouse pattern no no no no this means that google is saying hey.

    In our pool here's our pool gotta have a diving board every pool needs a diving board i don't know why mine doesn't probably because it knows i'd fall off and break my head if i tried to dive all right in the pool of advertisers they're paying an average of 22 cents to two bucks okay.

    Now very important this ladies and gentlemen is the add words amount which is why it says top of page bid there ain't no top of page bid for adsense sad words which means people will pay less on google adsense than they will add words why why because someone looking at my website is not as.

    Targeted as someone who typed in sewing patterns in google it's all about targeting and i'm going to give you a little tip ladies and gentlemen how have you guys wanted tip smash that like button if you want a tip here's the deal here's the tip you woke up this morning and you turned on your computer and you probably went to google and guess what you weren't worth anything right you went there and you're like okay you know what marcus i wake up and i'm gonna go to the old google.

    And here you are here we are you're sitting here on the old google and guess what to google that ain't worth anything nothing nada but if i go through and i type in something like mortgage guess what now i'm worth money did you guys get that did everyone just get that right here on google worth nothing.

    Here worth money nothing money nothing money say it with me right nothing type mortgage here now ladies and gentlemen you are worth money well marcus wait a minute this doesn't make any sense to me how would this be worth nothing and this is worth money it's just digital screen stuff what are you talking about here well let's take a look as soon as this.

    Decides to load there we go mortgage sixty three dollars a click twenty six dollars a click twelve dollars a click twenty six dollars what does that mean that means that some of these advertisers are paying as much as 26 for a click see that that's a click meaning if i clicked on the ad they'd be paying money type big money and smash the like button if you get.

    This you need to get this because once you get this you're gonna understand how it works now it's very important do not cheat do not buck the system do not manipulate do not tell people click the ads for whatever no just put the ads on there let them do their thing all right if you got good quality content the ads will match and you you'll get some cash that's the way it works all right now we need to understand this because when we look at like cat videos low competition.

    Very little per click but if we look at refinance rates high competition lots of money per click so once we start to understand that we need to see exactly what's going on okay we need to understand exactly what's going on now when we do this this is all going to have to do with how we get approved how we put the ads what our site is about so let's go into these approval.

    Tips and we'll talk about the hundred dollar a day plan which one of you guys needs to remind me because i didn't put it in my notes at the bottom so someone remind me to do the hundred dollar a day plan towards the end okay so we have approval tips here's what we need to do to get approved number one get real visitors don't mess around don't buy visitors don't do anything shady get some legit visitors guys i talked to you about this there's some videos in the description it'll show you how to get visitors if you're not getting visitors it's because you're not paying.

    Attention and you're not doing it the right way okay next you do need to be 18 or older to have an adsense account or you need to have a guardian or something like that all right i'm assuming that y'all are old enough to get an adsense account so if you need to figure it out the other way go ahead and figure it out the other way with the guardians i don't know much about that i do know that they say you need to be 18 or older obviously because it's a business right next number three one of the tips i heard this was not from me but one of the tips i heard from.

    DISCLAIMER: In this description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I'll receive a small commission. This helps support the channel and allows us to continue to make videos like this.All Content Responsibility lies with the Channel Producer. For Download, see The Author's channel. The content of this Post was transcribed from the Channel:

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