How To Write Blog Posts On Blogger (Format And Publish Articles On Google Blogger) 2022

How To Write Blog Posts On Blogger (Format And Publish Articles On Google Blogger) 2022 Welcome to this awesome tutorial on nosr web in today's tutorial i'm going to show you how to write blog posts properly format and publish your articles on blogger.

How To Write Blog Posts On Blogger (Format And Publish Articles On Google Blogger) 2022

Once you go to you make sure you sign in here with the right email address for your blog to write a new post or article you go ahead and click on new post here and.

You'll be greeted by this amazing interface the first thing here is the title right here so let's say we're writing about adsense.

Tips to earn more money and for the purposes of this tutorial i already have a 340 word article that i'm going to use as a case study.

I'm just going to paste in the rest of the content so what i'm going to do right now is i'm going to click somewhere within this.

Entire text and press ctrl a to highlight everything then over here where it says paragraph i'm going to choose normal.

You see what happened there after choosing normal it formatted the entire article the way it should be one thing you should always do is you should always use this preview.

Button over here click on this drop down arrow and click on preview post because we want to see how our article is going to look like.

Go ahead and click on this smartphone option it shows you how your article is going to look like on mobile and the next one to the left is tablet click on it.

And finally on desktop now before i go further into how to properly format your post i just want to address an important issue about blogger and that issue is the fact that blogger.

As a content management system does not have any option for changing or customizing the line spacing so what we're going to do right now is press ctrl a to highlight everything.

Ctrl c to copy i'm going to head over to my microsoft word document i'm going to ctrl v to paste what i've just copied.


    I'll press ctrl a again to highlight

    Everything i can now use the line spacing setting here on microsoft word i found that 1.5 line spacing is the.

    Best for blog posts so now that we've formatted our post to 1.5 lines spacing we're going to cut it or copy and go back to blogger and just do a ctrl v to paste.

    Now if you notice we're right back on paragraph remember we changed our text from paragraph to normal before so we're going to do the same thing now we'll.

    Click within the text ctrl a and come right here and choose normal the next thing we're going to do is to force our text to be uniform scroll up here where you have font type.

    These are the fonts you have at your disposal if you need more funds you can come here click on add fonts and you'll be able to add more funds.

    But i usually go for the default font for whatever theme i'm using so go ahead and click on default font and these are all the options for the font sizes.

    I prefer to always select the medium font size i find it's more legible for the readers so let's go and preview it and see how it looks.

    Let's see how it looks on mobile it looks a lot better than before perfect now another issue i'm seeing right here.

    Is the color of the text you'll notice that the main body of your post is a little bit faint so we're going to fix this problem right now let's close this preview page.

    We're right back on our article on

    Blogger now to solve that issue we're going to highlight our entire article once again by pressing on.

    Control plus a then over here on this a symbol click on it these are all the colors at your disposal.

    It's currently on the default color but unfortunately on blogger i find that the default black color is not black enough so i figured out a way to solve this problem.

    Go down here where you have this plus symbol click on the plus so what i want to essentially do right now is find the darkest shade of black.

    Come over here on your hex values click delete all of this leaving only hash then type in 0 3 0 3 0 3 and click on.

    Save so what we've done right now is that we've made our text a lot darker and more legible more readable now we go into other important aspects to find images we can go to websites.

    Like or in order to find blog images to use you can use either of them but for the purposes of this tutorial i'm going to.

    Use you can type in a keyword for the type of image you're looking for in my example i'm going to type login and let's go with this first image i'll.

    Click on it and hover over this drop down arrow here is an important tip make sure you always choose the smallest image size available.

    So click on small and click free download then i'll go to the image location right now this is the image we just downloaded right here and if you can see the file.

    Size is 65.4 kilobyte so we're going to do one extra step please make sure you always follow this next step whenever you want to add.

    Images on blogger because the new google search engine algorithm has included the core web vitals into its ranking factors and one of the major contributors to a very poor core vital score is slow side.

    Speed which is majorly caused by large images so what we're going to do right now is we're going to go to a website called photop is just like the.

    Online version of photoshop so i'm just going to use photo p for the purposes of this tutorial what we'll do is come right here on file click on open.

    We then go to our file location and hit open so essentially we want to further reduce the size of this image just come here and click on image image size.

    When we downloaded the image it was 640 by 413 but we can come here and reduce it further to like 375. just go ahead and click on ok and.

    Finally while we're exporting this image we're going to export it in the format web p webp format is the recommended format by google.

    So go ahead and click on file this time around we're going to go here to export follow this arrow to more and right up.

    Here we have the web p format click on web p then with this slider you can choose the quality choose 72 or 70.

    And click on save all right let's check the attributes of these images side by side this is the original image right here.

    640 by 413 and the file size is 65.4 kilobytes now the next one right here is the webp file format it has a dimension of 375 by pixels and a file size of just 11.5.

    Kilobyte you can decide to put your image at the very start of the article before any of the texts right here i personally prefer put in.

    The image right after the first sentence or paragraph right here to import an image or thumbnail on blogger come over here on this icon.

    It says insert image click on it for this tutorial i'm going to upload from my computer go ahead and click on choose files then select your image click on.

    Open next click on the image here to select it and click on the select button it goes ahead and imports your image into your blog post.

    Right here click on the image then go down to this setting wheel right up here where it says alt text make sure you type in a keyword you want.

    To rank for and and you can copy this as well and paste it here this alt text right here it's extremely.

    Important for seo search engine optimization under sizes you can go with medium or large then click on update.

    Next i'm going to show you how to add subtitles to your article so right here we have this section that says adsense tips.

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