How To Make $270 On Youtube Without Recording Any Video 2019

How To Make $270 On Youtube Without Recording Any Video 2019 In this video I'm going to show you guys how I made 270 dollars on YouTube without recording any videos so you can start the and you can start earning money today you don't actually need any.

How To Make $270 On Youtube Without Recording Any Video 2019

Subscribers you don't need any skills you don't need even to pay for any software so something like that so this is completely free I'm giving you guys this method this must be the most.

Valuable method in 2019 so make sure to watch this video to and from the beginning to the end because you don't want to miss any valuable information Before we jump straight into this video.

I want to ask all of you guys to subscribe to my youtube channel if you haven't subscribed already because we're releasing every single day videos from now on on how to make money online how.

To make money on YouTube so you don't want to miss that out so make sure to press that subscribe button so guys let's jump straight into this video so how to earn 270 dollars on YouTube with.

Copy and paste system so I am going to show you guys some of my earning first and then I'm going to show you guys step-by-step how to do it so you don't need any subscribers as I.

Said you can do it with 0 subscribers you can do it without recording any video you don't need to recall or make videos and I'm going to show you guys how you can use other videos to do this.

So you don't you don't need cranium comments or something like that this is going to be fresh new method that you haven't seen already so here you can see two days ago I have made two hundred and.

Sixty nine dollars and fifty four cents and yesterday I have made a bit less but I actually didn't do that much to make that kind of money that is a lot of money for doing something for less than.

One hour so I'm going to show you guys exactly so first thing that you want to do is you want to find a popular niche on YouTube and I'm going to show you guys.

How to do it so I'm going to show you guys some of the popular niches on YouTube that is actually weight loss but you may already know a lot of other popular niches I'm going to also show.

You guys some of the examples so you can see these videos are getting millions and millions of views so I'm going to show you guys how you can use other people's views and subscribers to make.


    Money for yourself

    So if we click for example on this video in it and you can see this video has one point almost four million views so that is a lot of people and you haven't.

    Taught about common selection so how many thing how many views this comments gap so a lot of you guys you may already know I do this personally so when I watch youtube videos I like to read some.

    Comments so these comments also get a tons and tons of views so let's say if this video got 1.3 million views these comments may god around let's say 1 million views or.

    Maybe let's say 800,000 but it doesn't really matter so that is a lot of ice in this in this comment selection so I'm going to show you guys how you can use this comment selection to drive traffic.

    To your YouTube channel and from your YouTube channels how you can make money without actually recording videos so this is something really really crazy so I'm going to show you guys step-by-step.

    How to do it so we have found a popular niche we have found some popular videos you can see there are tons and tons of videos that are getting tons and tons of views so you can do it for each and.

    Every single video right here next thing that you want to do is you want to sign up for Clickbank so the Clickbank is a fillion marketplace where you can find some digital products and sell them.

    For high commission the reason why you get high commission is because there are digital products so they don't have any distribution they don't need to make the product there are no costs for shipping.

    Making the product so that is why you're going to get from seventy five to ninety percent commission on each sale so if we click on affiliate marketplace and we scroll on some of the categories right.

    Here let's see if they offer some health

    And fitness products so you can see this is health and fitness category so if we click on that we are going to see some of the top-selling clipping products on.

    Weight loss niche so basically this flat belly is actually the product that is going to help your customers to lose weight so there are tons and tons of products and what you want to do is you.

    Want to look how much money you're going to make for each sale so your commission is 70% on average per sale and those 70% are actually around 37 dollars in 40 cents so for each sale for this product.

    Through your affiliate link you're going to make 37 dollars in 40 cents so if we said that I have made 270 dollars that is actually around let's say five sales per day to reach that two hundred and.

    Two hundred dollars in one day so that is not actually a lot of people that just imagine just imagine five sales you need five people to buy this product the most important part is you can see.

    That with some up sales you can earn $66 per sale so if you get free sales like this $66 you're going to earn $200 per day so that is actually a lot of money with a.

    Little bit of work so I'm going to show you guys how you can get traffic to your affiliate link without actually posting videos without actually getting without actually having a lot of subscribers so.

    Make sure to watch this video till end so next step when we have signed up for Clickbank and I actually didn't show you guys how you can sign up for Clickbank so just go on Clickbank comm and click.

    On create account so it is really easy in just a few seconds you're going to have your Clickbank account just into your personal information banking information and account information and.

    Once you get your Clickbank account you're good to go next thing that I'm going to show you guys is you want to find the product related to your niche so we have found the product as I showed.

    You guys so here you can see our product is flat belly fix so that that is our product that we are going to use to promote step 4 is create small promotional video so you don't actually.

    Need to create video as I said you don't need to make any videos so we are going to use wave video just go on Google and type a video so you can see the name of this software so basically it is a free.

    Software and you're going to get some what mark but it doesn't really matter because we are going to use it for free if you don't want that watermark you can buy full version but I actually don't.

    Use from full version so you don't need to buy this full version also so here you can see there are tons and tons of videos that we can actually use on our YouTube channel and.

    You can just change the text on the video so I'm going to show you guys how you can do it so if we go on business and we're going to search something related to weight loss or something like.

    That so let's find the first one just a second I don't see any weight loss video right now great movie tonight not that so we are searching for ideas we don't want let's see this best workout for.

    Weight loss so let's see how this video not so this is some of this is not actually the best video for our our channel but I'm going to actually use this video because I have uh I have.

    Something something in my mind that we can use this video but there are tons and tons of videos on a very video that you can actually use them and post those videos on your YouTube channel so I.

    Clicked on edit video and we're going to change them some text on this video so this video is actually 11 seconds so what are we going to do right now is we're going to say.

    Want to lose weight fast in 2019 let's say without swimming I just given you guys an example because this is not really the perfect video for our promotion but I'm just giving you.

    Guys an example click our see more and we can put our name of the website it doesn't really matter we can put our affiliate link right here so if they don't know how to put how to click the.

    Link in description and we can make this a little bit longer so let's say we're going to make this 20 second video so I'm going to pull this to 20 seconds or 19 seconds that easy now.

    So let's see our our video looks like want to lose weight fast in 2019 without swimming without I don't even know what is this and without yoga so basically click the link now in the description to.

    See more so I think this is something that is not the best video for our promotion but you get the point how you can do it because I haven't find the perfect video that you can use for.

    This promotion but still did this could work so you don't need to make exactly the same video you need to think a little bit I know you guys are smart so I know that you can create some small.

    10-second video 15-second video for your YouTube channel and you're going to post this video on your YouTube channel so what you want to do is you want to upload this video on your.

    Channel and post affiliate link in description so how to get affiliate link just go on clickbank as I said and click on promote and you're going to have your account your affiliate ID so basically.

    Without in with your affiliate ID you're going to get commission so just into your affiliate ID and click on generate hoplink so if you can see this is our coupling.

    So basically when someone clicks on this link and buys the product we are going to earn thirty seven dollars and forty cents so that is a lot of money as I said for one single sale and he as I.

    DISCLAIMER: In this description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I'll receive a small commission. This helps support the channel and allows us to continue to make videos like this.All Content Responsibility lies with the Channel Producer. For Download, see The Author's channel. The content of this Post was transcribed from the Channel:

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