Crazy AD Hack ($1,972,122 Earned) Ezoic / Adsense / Affiliate / Must See!

Crazy AD Hack ($1,972,122 Earned) Ezoic / Adsense / Affiliate / Must See! Today i'm going to share with you a concept so simple that i've used it multiple times to take traffic that's only worth a couple of cents a click.

Crazy AD Hack ($1,972,122 Earned) Ezoic / Adsense / Affiliate / Must See!

And make 5 10 or even 100 times more money off the very same traffic so if you're over here struggling with sites like adsense and stuff like that and you're only getting like.

Two cents a click listen up because i'm gonna show you how to go from being this sad guy over here making practically nothing to this guy over here who's able to use.

That exact same traffic and get two dollars and 41 cents per click and of course that guy is going to be happy because he's making money like.

Patrick over here but how does this whole thing work and what do you need to know to start making money now before we get started.

I got a little confession to make last night while i was researching topics for this video i came across these weird videos about the third.

And fourth dimension of living now what does this mean well basically we're sitting here and we're living in a third dimension which means we can go up down sideways.

And even forward and back and all kinds of things it's kind of like if you had a box and if there was a person inside this box.

He would be a two dimension person he could only go this way this way this way or this way where it gets interesting is when i try to introduce a.

Three-dimensional object to a two-dimensional person if i was to pass this through his dimension he wouldn't see a football he wouldn't even see this kind of shape.

What he would see is a line that slowly gets bigger as the ball passes through and for me to get mad at the two-dimensional character for not understanding what a three-dimensional.

Object is would be silly because he simply hasn't experienced third dimension living so if we were to take our character.


    Put him in a box like this but add a

    Third dimension to that box and then as a third dimension character he would be able to see the entire.

    Football let's run through that again in case you didn't catch it because far too many gurus out there are blaming you.

    The student rather than doing a good job of teaching you the things that you need to know and helping you experience the stuff that you can't yet.

    See so to you and me here in the third dimension we see the ball bouncing just like this but to someone in one dimension they're only going to see this line.

    Here which looks kind of confusing and he can't even tell it's a ball i don't know about this making money stuff i got 37 visitors to my site and nobody bought the clickbank book now.

    Just yesterday i had this comment on my video from a guy who said do you have any proof that you get lots of traffic to an affiliate website that you own.

    Do you have any proof that you actually make money or do you just make money by making youtube videos about how to make money well i've been doing this for about 21.

    Years and i didn't start teaching it until about 2008 so i put together this little folder and i got a whole bunch of websites that i've ran over the years and you could.

    Actually see that this stuff is actually working pretty well here's an example where i made money in the bible niche actually made thousands of.

    Dollars with this one

    A screenshot from my adsense where we had over 17 million visitors less than a million of them were in the make money niche but.

    You know full disclosure some of them were in that niche here's one that i did for the mortgage niche you could see i got like over a hundred thousand visitors.

    And i made over a hundred thousand dollars this is just from one account here's another one from the bible website one where i get addiction traffic.

    Dirt cheap here's day one of my video games website that made 215 on its first day went on to make almost four thousand dollars the first month with that one.

    Here's a screenshot from my font site where we got 900 commission selling fonts of all things here's a screenshot from the earnings of some of my random sites like the.

    Mortgage website the html website my recipes website even a couple of sites a family member set up after i taught him how to do this my gas prices website prime numbers for.

    Mortgages a site about hawaiian vacations and of course that little one you can hardly see that's my make money online site.

    You can also see i've spent over 1.5 million dollars on paid traffic i had sites in the gas prices niche the mortgage niche the tattoo niche where i made over 150 a.

    Day on this one the lottery numbers niche where i got 10 000 visitors and made almost 1 300 bucks in one day alone the web hosting niche where i made over.

    405 the first month this site was online and since then i've made almost 200 000 with that one and on and on we go this screenshot here showing traffic and earnings.

    Has nothing to do with making money online actually this top one here making 317 thousand dollars was for backgrounds and layouts this one here is for desktop backgrounds.

    Then we have my tattoo sites sites about how to take care of your betta fish and on and on we go you could see here i got sites in everything from how to get.

    Abs to how to calculate auto loans name your baby and all kinds of crazy stuff really really simple but they work like crazy and most of you.

    Guys are gonna try to do this stuff and you'll see a screenshot like this where i got almost 12 000 page impressions and made a paltry pathetic 53 dollars.

    Now disclaimer the results you saw are not typical implied or guaranteed the average person trying to make money online makes a big fat.

    Goose egg like this so that's what the majority of people make and another disclaimer i do actually make a good living producing these videos and.

    Selling my courses and stuff like that it's on top of the other stuff i make which is pretty cool why would i leave money sitting on the table now let's dive into how this works.

    Because you've stayed this far and i want to give you that aha moment so that you could get to the third dimension of living in the internet space because there's a.

    Very important concept that you don't understand yet about how to flip the market how to make more money off traffic that other people think is.

    Junk i want you to notice that in a lot of the niches that i showed you that i was making money in a lot of them have like nothing to do with expensive niches.

    Right we know the expensive niches are like mortgage and finance and credit card and loans and things like that but the niches i had were like.

    In tattoos which is dirt cheap or different niches like backgrounds and layouts which is like practically free traffic you can get tons of free traffic in that one.

    And i actually have very simple so what we need to understand is how to increase the value of our traffic and once you get this life is going to.

    Change in terms of how you view making money online now there's very simple things that you can do the first thing you can do is you're going to have a site and let's.

    Say this website is about something simple like emojicons or something like that or maybe even website errors or computer errors.

    Right very simple computer errors right something like that it will spell right on a different video but you get the idea okay lots of easy traffic you can get here.

    You guys saw the example where i put a post up live about you know cheesy gordita crunch calories and got a free ranking in like a couple of days.

    Very simple okay there wasn't even any content on the post you could go look it up it's still i think we put content on it last week but for several months it ranked and it had.

    No content so there's lots of keywords that you could rank for that get lots of traffic but the problem is is people don't understand how to make.

    DISCLAIMER: In this description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I'll receive a small commission. This helps support the channel and allows us to continue to make videos like this.All Content Responsibility lies with the Channel Producer. For Download, see The Author's channel. The content of this Post was transcribed from the Channel:

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