Copy & Paste Videos To Make Money With YouTube Shorts Easy $300 - $500 YouTube Shorts Tutorial

Copy & Paste Videos To Make Money With YouTube Shorts Easy $300 - $500 YouTube Shorts Tutorial You probably saw some youtube shorts videos on youtube but did you know that you can make over five thousand dollars per month.

Copy & Paste Videos To Make Money With YouTube Shorts Easy $300 - $500 YouTube Shorts Tutorial

Just by uploading simple videos on youtube shorts that are only 30 seconds long in this video i'm going to show you guys exactly how you can make money from youtube.

Shorts step by step so make sure to watch this video till end so guys first of all i want to show you guys one of the examples of really successful youtube shorts.

Youtube channel now right here we can see these videos are popping off very easily very fast and you can see most of these videos are from 30 seconds long up to.

One minute long so i want to explain you guys how you can go and create this type of content and really take advantage of youtube shorts.

On youtube because not a lot of people are using this method so as i said this is really important parts first important part is you need short.

Videos you don't want to upload long videos you need just from 38 seconds up to one minute long videos second thing is vertical videos.

Are going to get ranked on youtube shorts and this is really important for us because if you don't upload vertical videos you're not going to pop.

Up on youtube shorts and also what is really important for us is how you can go and monetize these type of videos because you can't make money from youtube ads so.

I'm going to explain you guys also a little bit later how you can make money from these type of videos so first of all i want to show you guys.

Analytics of this youtube channel because this is really crazy as i said this is one of the many youtube shorts accounts and you can see.

She's really popping off you can see in last 30 days and she's got 242 million views and she grown basically if half.


    Of her channel was grown in last 30 days

    And i want to explain you guys as i said how you can go and take advantage of this method to make.

    Money from it very easy and very fast so first thing what you need is a video for your youtube short now you can go and record your own video or you can go and take creative comments.

    Video second thing is and that can be for example pets so if you go on youtube right now and typing for example funny dogs or.

    Something like that you're going to find tons of different videos that are not youtube shorts and they're getting millions and millions of views.

    And what is really great about this niche is usually people that watch these type of videos they probably already have a pet so they.

    Probably have some animal and they want to improve it they want to make it better or they want to train for example.

    Dog so i'm going to show you guys how you can go and make a lot of money from for example from dog videos so what are we going to do is we're going to search for funny dogs but.

    We're going to click on filter and we're going to search for creative comments videos now for example this video has 5.6 million views.

    And i want to show you guys how you can go and take small parts of videos and use it as your own now this is really important before you.

    Do this you want to check out if the

    Video is under creative commons license that means that reuse is allowed so you can go now.

    And take this video because it is creative comments license so how you can go and download this video and you want to for example download.

    Small parts so for example this first video is really funny this is some dog uh doing some funny tricks so basically this is only around 20.

    Seconds long so around 20 seconds long that is perfect for our youtube shorts video so what we want to do is we want to click on share.

    Right here and copy this video and what we want to do now is we want to go back on for example this website youtube made.

    And you can go and paste your link that you want to download right here click on start and you're going to download by clicking the video download button.

    Right here so we want to click on that and we have started downloading this video now you want to go and cut the whole part of the video you want to.

    Only 20 seconds of this video so basically that is what we're going to use for our youtube shorts so i have already done this because i don't want to waste your time.

    And i'm going to explain you guys how you can go and also cut the parts if you don't want that you don't want without some video editing software for free.

    Now what i use personally is so canva what you can do is you can do many different designs on canva you can edit some stuff so i'm going to explain you guys how are.

    We going to use this free website to create our youtube shorts video now there are some paid versions you don't need to pay for anything.

    I'm using free account right now so first thing what you want to do is you want to go on this search and click on mobile videos so right here mobile videos.

    And you want to go and create the mobile video so basically what is a mobile video it is vertical video that is the only way that we can go and.

    Rank on youtube shorts so we want to click right now on upload right here click on upload media and click on.

    Your device so there are tons of different ways that you can go and upload the video you can upload it from instagram facebook dropbox but we're going to upload it.

    From our from our desktop so right here you can see we have downloaded the video and what are we going to do now is we're going to add.

    This video right here so we want to fit the screen of our video and right now what we want to add is we want to add.

    Some elements in our video so first of all we're going to add some text by clicking the text button right here and you want to go and add small text to your video because.

    That is how we're going to make money so this is a dog video as i said usually people want to improve their paths so we're going to for example say.

    Uh want to train your dog click link in description and for example we are going to make this a white text.

    So as i said a lot of people already have the pets that are watching these type of videos so they're more likely to buy this product that we're going to.

    Recommend a little bit later and also what you want to add is some of the different elements as i said.

    You want to go and add for example some arrow we're going to add some arrow to our text and we want to make it a little bit.

    Smaller so we're going to make it a little bit smaller we're going to maybe add some arrow to our text and we can go and and add some cute stuff.

    Because in these funny videos you can already uh you can only you probably already saw some funny videos on tiktok or instagram or maybe even youtube shorts.

    So you want to go and add some cute animals cute faces or something like that so we're going to add for example this cat right here so what are we going to do now is we're.

    Going to upload this video so right here you can go and play and see how it looks like so we have we have this q to dot and it is very.

    Cute so basically uh what are we going to do is we're going to upload this video right now on youtube as youtube shorts.

    So we're going to download this video from canva that we have just created make sure to choose mp4 and click on download now again this is 100 free to download from canva you don't need to.

    DISCLAIMER: In this description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I'll receive a small commission. This helps support the channel and allows us to continue to make videos like this.All Content Responsibility lies with the Channel Producer. For Download, see The Author's channel. The content of this Post was transcribed from the Channel:

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