Banned and everything like that this is primarily going to be for that sense people so you will need an account we will show you some ways to make money without that sense but that is not the purpose of this call purposes of this call is to show you exactly how to utilize that now if you do not have an account or you got shut down or whatever don't worry about it it's not the end of the world you can always get under accounts you can always sign up different ways you can always use different stuff any business and in.
Life you have to take the approach that you need to be able to roll the punches especially when you're dealing with internet business that has changes from time to time now the neat thing about the Internet is that it's based on marketing principles that are very old right some of these things go back before Bible times and as principles of marketing that people used right and when you bring the Internet into the equation the only thing that changes is technology okay the only thing that changes instead of me going door to door and talking to you about this stuff like.
I used to have to do back before the nineteen hundreds or even in the early night eighteen hundred's now I can run a webinar where you guys can sit in your pajamas or whatever and enjoy the comfort of your own home while I teach you things it's very very very very very important okay so the only thing that changes is the medium right the only thing that changes is the medium so I want you guys to really pay attention to the core principles that we talked about because the core principles work whether you're a car salesman without internet.
Access whether you are giving people information whether you're a mortgage broker whatever you do right whatever you do even if you're just trying to make money online and you have no idea where to start right it's the same kind of information it's the same kind of principles that you want to use so the question is this right absents came out about 10 years ago in 2000 it's at the end of 2002 beginning in 2003 now accidents was a very very very very brilliant moved by Google and the reason it was a brilliant move and I.
Want you to pay attention to this because it's very important that we look at things that make lots of money and we know that Google Adsense does make lots of money does everyone get that like billions of dollars tons of billions of dollars is made online with Adsense every single year I think it's like 3 billion last quarter alone which is absolutely insane now what happened is in 2000 when Google came out actually came out in 1999 and started to get they what would happen is you would have searches and searches would be you know.
Someone go to Google and they'd search for something like let's say coloring pages ok and in the old days when Google first came out this is about what their searches look like ok you would have coloring pages coloring pages all this stuff now all of these people that are on these pages are free right so Crayola I click this it doesn't cost anything for Crayola Google didn't make anything for me to click that does everyone follow their Francis number we get that.
Like Google didn't pay anything or Google didn't make him anything and biola didn't pay anything to be there very very very very very very very important okay Jomo excellent joke just stated some results he's saying he just you know copied one my accident tips from another webinar we did and he is surprised at how much of a difference it made does changing it increased his revenues by thirty bucks a week which is cool so he's got like an extra you know 120 bucks to $150 a month wait wait just.
From a little test right and sometimes we get way better results sometimes and it's triple quadruple sometimes ten times as much money just using simple stuff so back to our little story here it's no Google in the old days they would have n results for each search term and when you click on those search terms Google made nothing you can make anything and nobody paid anything very very very very important very important now fast-forward a year to 2003 or or.
2002 when the AdWords slash Adsense payment plan came out right and you would have stuff like the word mortgage or whatever and you would see ads related to mortgage okay so they're like cool now what we're doing is we're making money when they click the annex but there was a problem okay so they make money when people put ads in studies show that only 10% of the people who do a search click on the ads so.
Basically Google is throwing 90% of the money out the window does everyone follow I want to make sure you guys follow this very clear because if you get this you are gonna get the rest of this and this is gonna change your life as an internet marketer okay everyone with me so 2003 okay Google is there and they're like okay we're gonna put ads because number before her they just had search stuff right so they're like we need to make money okay so they they said okay let's let's put some addicts.
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Okay and people that ads here they said okay that's really cool but now take a
10% okay so here's Google and what millions of searches and are only getting 10% to make the money right because temper flip very important so they said well you know what 80% of our traffic is going to these people for free and these people probably don't know how to make money with the traffic okay so they said.Hey guys you're getting all this traffic from us were more happy it's great how don't you like us to give you some money for that traffic right so someone at Google got really really smart and what we're talking about here is a bridge the gap business okay there was a gap in the marketplace there is a gap between ninety percent of Google's traffic going away for free and them not making money on it right very very very very very important so what they did is they said.
Well you know mr. bank rates man how would you like I think I believe so okay here's some kind of looks like one with Adsense I think if we do mortgage calculator right so mortgage calculate so this guy here is getting like a ton of Google's traffic okay we go to its site and Google didn't pay anything they didn't make anything we just went to his site because Google's a nice guy trying to help us out okay so now we're here Google got this traffic it's mortgage calculator you've got the traffic and now we see the little.
Triangle of money okay this whole triangle puts ads on this guy's site it's a Google look to this guy and said hey Divi you're getting traffic here's a little code put this code on your site and we're gonna send you a check and this guy was like good course dude yeah I'm gonna do that so now instead of just giving it a calculator May and hoping people buy stuff he just puts ads and when people click the ads he gets pay everyone follow and make sure you follow so yes I keep it that makes sense.
Someone at Google was really really smart and that's why they have lots of money right I want to make sure everyone gets it type in the box that you get right so when I put this ad this guy gets paid just unclick don't have to buy anything anything like that I'm just paid on the click just like this that's right and then of course down here he's got the sales stuff very very very very very important so this is how Google works and you can see for many many terms you're going to find that a.
Lot of top 10 results do put Adsense on their sites right very very very important usually it's a good good percentage of 70-plus okay so we have all these people now they have that sense so now what Google did is they said okay the 90% of the traffic we're giving away for free we now get back okay but now you might be asking oh yeah that's all good and five markets but where does the money come from right where does this money come from like how does Google just have this unlimited bank account like the government I.
Didn't say that someone else came in here right do they just have the unlimited bait account or are they doing something different right what's happening well what's happening is you're gonna notice that a lot of people who bid on these ads are the same people that bid on what's called Adsense content network okay so when you go into AdWords right and we'll just go into one of my AdWords accounts here all right you can see I spent a little bit of.
Money with Google here right and we're gonna go in and let me see if I can find one of my mortgage ads here for you real quick okay I don't want to show you how this works okay so basically when we go in here and let's see okay so we go into one of our mortgage ads and I want to show you something very important so basically what happens is I was bidding on words like the mortgage calculator and different things like that okay and.
You can see that this mortgage campaign got almost a hundred thousand clicks ninety seven thousand seven hundred and thirty clips pretty cool right how many of you guys think if you have that much traffic you'd make money it Morgan right that's a lot of traffic in the mortgage market it's really cool traffic alright so we look at that we say okay great so ninety seven thousand total traffic okay now the total search traffic basically what this means is search traffic so you go to google you search.
For mortgage calculator you click on these ads okay that is a search click
Okay so you could stay on search alone I got nineteen thousand of those clicks so a lot less than half like a fifth of my traffic came from actual search now you can see on search I was like a position ten point one which is actually pretty low but now on the other hand I want you to look at this Display Network okay the Display Network basically means I was showing up on the other guy's site.So that site we showed as an example where we saw the ad now I'm showing up on his site now let me ask you a question what gets more traffic Google's page for that one term or all the pages that are are on that page combined right obviously it's all the pages that are on that page combined right and that's why here we have 1.8 million impressions and here we have almost 9 million impressions right and we have 78 thousand different clicks now I want you.
To look at the cost it was 10 cents cheaper for the display no all right pretty cool right very very very very very important Joe says is the display network the same as retargeting no different right retargeting is is something different display network use basically just like your on other people's sites right very very very very very important okay I want to look at.
That okay how do we make this work okay and Veronica says why would the campaign discontinue around 2006 we actually had one of our AdWords accounts banned and it was this one but I have several others so you know you just switch around and different things like that different sites different changes and things like that again you want to roll touches you want to make it work when you're dealing with this kind of money you can't just sit there and and cry every time Google makes a change you don't do it you roll with it right everyone ready to roll with it your update yeah sounds pretty cool and.
To do a little bit of work to get it right very important very very important so basically that's what happens right we're getting all this traffic and most of it is from the Display Network yeah on the flip side these other guys has got a percentage of what I paid I didn't from what I've heard I don't know exactly but I've heard it's about 60% for blacks or someone making some money on their traffic right he's sold some 8,000 clicks to me really cool okay was author Google was all automatic.
I paid Google they pick it up everyone oh very important so let's call so happy and talk about how it's works and if you can still make good money with Adsense because right now we're talking about AdWords in that sense and and showing you how everything works so I want to show you what Adsense is okay basically here is the results from if it was quarter 2 of Google the second quarter of 2013 Google's regular sites generated 8.8 seven billion dollars you know enough to.
Buy some steaks or something eight point eight seven billion dollars is what they generated okay now the partner sites the network revenues that means the absence that people that are hosting the search the non new Google Sites the people Google gives a check to generated three point 19 billion dollars or almost 25 percent of Google's revenue right does that make sense to you when Google was pinging out a percentage of the twenty.
Five percent they're getting from other people hey everyone follow that that's a lot of money that's spent quite a bit of money especially the people who just run little websites and different things like that yeah to show you what this looks like on a mortgage site you can see how many of you guys have seen ads that look like this you see the little triangle here you see these these ads mean whatever how many guys have never clicked one of those ads if you click those edit a click inbox.
Okay well thank you right you were staffing the internet bar in business just don't click on your own ads and don't click them a thousand times cuz I don't get you banned from Google okay so you want to do ethical stuff and that's what we're gonna show you so basically what happens is they have a code you put the code on your site the code says it's basically the reverse of getting ranked in the search engine so in order to get ranked in the search engine for mortgage calculator what does my site need to be about what does my site be about if I want to write it for mortgage calculator.
Mortgage right if I made it about how to go fishing I'd show up for how to go fishing I wouldn't show up for mortgage very important same thing with Adsense it's just the reverse okay it's the exact reverse but instead of trying to get rank we are trying to tell Google hey this is what our sites about therefore this is what our ads should be about and we will follow excellent so it's the exact reverse of SEO write that down Google ads Adsense is the exact reverse.
Of SEO okay very very very very very important let's continue Wow so these ads make lots of money now what's the difference between Adsense and AdWords how many of you guys have ever wondered this you're like you add some words can't they come up with something like that doesn't sound exactly like the same word okay the difference between Adsense and AdWords AdWords is me bidding on these terms okay now AdWords is me paying write that.
Down Edwards I peg okay everyone write that down Adsense I get paid okay so ads since I write a check and I'm sorry Edwards I write a check Adsense I get a check okay very cool so Adwords I could either bid and say hey guys I only want to show on search therefore I would only show up on these I wouldn't show up on this guy's site I would only show up on these okay you know if I elect to do both like I did here okay.
Like I did here I'm unsearched which means 819 thousand clicks came from here click ads related to on this page okay 76,000 or 78,000 clinics came from ads like this okay everyone follow at a sense is ads on my site or other people's sites adverts are sites where you get or are clicks that you get from Google directly via search now who.
Ultimately pays my check that's kind of important to look at who pays my check okay well who pays my check is guys like me who are paying for traffic okay how many of you guys have trouble day traffic online how many of you guys have trouble check traffic in the box if you ever ever if you've ever had trouble getting traffic online how many of you guys have ever purchased traffic from Google okay and if you're a newbie if you're new to this stuff don't worry you're gonna love this right and hopefully you do so far so I'm having fun here I think we're.
Learning okay so if you purchased traffic from Google and you've purchased content network traffic you have a funded the machine right you've participated in the machine so with me I've spent over a million dollars actually 1.5 million on Google traffic therefore that went into the machine most of that was from content and I'll show you how that works so you go into an example here is one of them that I did let's see here I can't remember what.
It was called okay might have to find it a little bit later okay here here's one example that I'll show you so this was basically for a term that got a lot of impressions I mean look at this you got over a half a billion impressions now I want you to look at the stats here and I want you to look at how what so Google even though I was ranking on the first page of Google Pig pain of course those pains stick.
Sense of click right and I got five percent click-through rate which is actually pretty darn good but still the inventory was only two million impressions right so only two million questions however when I went Display Network which is Pat's fenestrae time I'm paying to be on other people's sites but I'm paying for Adwords they're getting paid to that set and let me know if you guys are getting confused if I need to break it down simpler but basically because of that right my.
Click-through rate sucks but on on content network it usually does right but still I was able to get almost a million visitors for two cents of crack right pretty cool okay very very very very very very important to look at okay and we will break this down a little bit later as not but basically I paid right these clicks came from other people's sites that means their sites were loaded over a half a billion times and my ad.
Was seen a half a billion times okay so whoever owns these sites got half of my twenty four thousand dollars for twenty three thousand or whatever it was okay very important back to our slide so the trick ultimately comes from advertisers if nobody advertised on Google Adsense would not exist and get very very very very very very important okay here's a few can you really make a lot with Adsense now I do want to disclaimer this okay first and foremost Google Adsense is not.
Even close to being one of my top revenue sources it's probably about maybe 5% of my revenue or something like okay you do math okay but I want to show you something okay so Adsense this is me getting paid okay so everything we looked at before all these examples were me paying okay and sometimes I used it to make money with Adsense sometimes I used it to make money with affiliate offers I've actually made a lot more with affiliate offers but I want to show you something really really cool okay and we'll get.
Into other revenue sources a little bit later but this one I want to focus on Adsense because I think this is the easiest way for most me to get started okay so here we have ad sense for content right that means it needs to play out ads on my site so I got 17 million visitors to my site I had 1.1 million clicks on those ads 1.1 million people saw ads like this on my site or whatever you know topic I was about anything from little cheap myspace ads too expensive mortgage events in case.
That means 1.1 million people clicked on that really cool right okay one point 1 million people I earned two hundred and one thousand dollars pretty decent 201 grand over the next five years I'd be happy right even one year whatever if some people make this much as I'm in love with Adsense okay so we look at that okay that's good I like them now I want you to look at the average here so I'm breaking everything down for you now the average.
Per click from anything ranging from two cent myspace clicks you can see here actually they were eight so eight cents for myspace click which is actually pretty darn good considering up above I was paying two cents for those same cleanse I'm you're gonna trade two cents for eight cents every day till your hands got tired of carrying pennies what's cool thing is it's all done on Weiss we don't have to carry things we just get a check very important here is my mortgage site.
I want you to look at this morning site here the mortgage site what you pay close attention to these numbers okay we're going to get into these a little bit later but I want you to pay attention so on the mortgage site I was getting an average of $1 48 per click right said someone who's my site you click on the anodic in about 48 I'm you guys think that you can make some good money if you got a dollar 48 on an average of 57 thousand visitors or flex.
Not how many of you guys would like that of course I could I know right here I can make it a $5,000 it's Google did the math for me all right we got recipes 6 cents my aunt even did some Adsense made some money Gast website seven cents another little mortgage one prime rate forty eight cents and on and on we got up right and really cool so we look at that there it is money right there is money here now I want to show you some tips because here's the deal right here's the deal this traffic I paid for Tampa but we.
Said I paid you know X amount per click or whatever we showed you how many clicks and we're gonna we're gonna dive into this later because if you can't get busy um burgers things are about to change for you how you guys believe that things are about to change how many guys believe that towards the end of this webinar you're gonna get something that you never got before you're going to learn something that before you're you're struggling for them before you didn't get it you just work okay but I kind of made a deal with myself to get over my depression stuff.
For those who followed leave the last couple months you know I haven't been struggling with that really bad and I want to get past that and say you know what I'm just gonna take my energy and I'm gonna make everything simple for you guys I'm just gonna describe it simple right like we're doing today I'm gonna say this is how this works this is how this works here's how to do it okay if you guys like that let me know we're gonna continue on so basically we're going to get into this and you're gonna learn something you're gonna have a click in your mind and I want you to type it in the box when that happens.
Because this is about to change everything because you might be saying Marcus yeah that's great but I can't afford to get 1.8 million people to view my site for only 85 grams for mortgage stuff right I mean you guys are like there's no way what put 8 million people that's insane especially in the mortgage market maybe you'd find the go for like jokes or something but let's.
Take a look even more so here's some Addyson steps I want you to write these down before we get into the number part okay number one light background no border no text ads 336 by 280 that's how you want to design your ad very important okay you'll see it when you go in there I'll show you how to do it a little bit later as well this is kind of what it looks like blue headline black description blue link always white background okay this is what your should look like now the reason I do not use.