Make Money With Adsense (LIES Exposed)... And The Truth!

Make Money With Adsense (LIES Exposed)... And The Truth! All right all right come on we gotta have a little talk here these guys are claiming they're making like 50 to 100 000 a day with adsense just follow my ridiculously simple push button easy.

Make Money With Adsense (LIES Exposed)... And The Truth!

System they say just set up a website and when people click on the ads you're gonna get paid but it sounds a little fishy to me so today we're gonna put that to the test and we're gonna get to.

The truth of what it really takes to make money with adsense we're gonna scrutinize the screenshots in the videos and tell you what's really going on so hold on tight this is gonna be a wild.

Ride because in today's lineup we got some good stuff for you part number one i'm gonna show you my quick intro to adsense part number two i'm going to show you the truth about two ways money.

Is made using the adsense platform part number three we're going to expose the lies and talk about the bs method cost yeah that's right it's not just wasting your time it's doing.

Something much worse we're gonna talk about that too part number four we're gonna expose the multi-billion dollar content ad business model and part number five you're not going to want to.

Miss this part i'm not even going to tell you what it is just make sure you stay to the end and if you like watching my videos to the end because you know it's going to help you make money let me.

Know you're in the end crew by typing endcrew as a comment below and if you think the numbers i talked about from some of these gurus are legit or fake let me know that in the comments as well.

Now let's dive in alright so first of all the big fat disclaimer and yes i did change my shirt and i forgot to do my hair today so i look like i got a helmet on the big fat disclaimer i can almost.

Guarantee that no one on this call is going to make 50 grand or 100 grand a day that's pretty much a fact but you might be able to make some money keeping in mind that the average person trying.

To make money online makes nothing so take it with a grain of salt we're just showing you what's working for other people and it's up to you to make it work for yourself let's dive into part.

Number one a quick intro to google adsense now google adsense is actually a very very brilliant platform because you see years ago google had a search engine and this search engine had millions and.


    Millions of people

    Searching every minute crazy amount of people and these searches drove people to the top 10 results.

    On google and they had a couple of ads too so they had some ads where they were making money so maybe they had like three ads for every search term or something like that right and these ads.

    Made google money but they found out that the majority of the people were actually clicking the 10 free results not the paid sponsored ad results which made.

    Google kind of unhappy as they say why are alligators unhappy because they got all them searches and no money something like that all them teeth and no toothbrush.

    If you know the movie i'm talking about put it as a comment below but they were angry because they were like hey we should be making a lot more money so what they decided to do is go to the.

    People who had the free search listing so they went to these sites and they're like hey guys you want a way to make money with your traffic yeah i want to make money they installed.

    A simple code on their website that put ads on the website and when people click the ads google gave them a share of whatever the advertiser was paying and this was.

    Brilliant because now instead of just getting paid on sponsored ads at the top of the search engine those 10 results now also showed the sponsored ads which made google's revenue.

    Go through the roof so much that it needs three lines on the dollar sign and google's actually pretty generous here it says that they give 68.

    Of the revenue to the site publisher

    Which is you and me pretty cool right but there's some things that you need to know to get approved for the adsense program can be a little bit difficult.

    You actually need to have a site that's legit with some content and some traffic and we also need to make a differentiation between two different things one the.

    Adsense platform and two the youtube partner program the youtube partner program is a lot like adsense only they're paying you on video views and you don't have to use codes you just.

    Upload videos turn on monetization and you get paid which is pretty cool now this is very important because it's gonna make sense when we talk about the other guys screenshots in just a minute.

    Or two so again remember adsense you're paid for clicks on your website adwords you're paid for ads on your videos hosted on youtube but marcus what about those fifty thousand hundred thousand.

    Dollar a day results you're talking about well they do actually exist but not in the way you would think for example the top known adsense publisher is actually making 322.

    000 a day wait a minute he could like buy a house every single day with what he's earning yes the website is actually and it's a big website so.

    If you think you're going to walk in and make these kind of numbers in like six months think again but you can make something so we're going to talk about this now mashable's earning is about 10.

    Million dollars a month according to what i found on websites haven't verified it but it's kind of everywhere and common knowledge and their daily page views are about 37 million page.

    Views a day which works out drum roll please less than a penny per page view which means you need a crap ton of traffic to make.

    Real money but don't worry because there are ways to make more money obviously a lot of it has to do with your topic if you're talking about recipes that's not going to make as much money as if your.

    Website's about mortgages or something like that so want to keep that in mind and take a look at some of these screenshots that are a little bit more hopeful here's one that did over two.

    Hundred and two thousand dollars and it was doing like 18 cents per click on the ad which isn't that bad at all that's actually about one cent per page view or more which is pretty cool now again your.

    Results might be all over the place and there are ways to do better because this is a long-term screenshot and i had a big learning curve in this one you can take a look at some of these sites here.

    This one says uh its monetization method is by adsense and they're making like 40 grand a month here's another one five years old 15 000 a month two years old 12 000 a month two years old almost 12.

    000 a month and you can find these sites on flippa or other places where you can buy websites that make money and you could take a look and reverse engineer pretty much what anyone's doing find out.

    Where they're getting their traffic and how they're making money and a lot of these are making money with adsense which i usually use as a supplement not the main offer for my sites it's a great.

    Supplement but hardly ever good as the main course except in the case of like my mortgage website where it was the main course that made me the most money in that one but in most sites you're.

    Gonna use it as a supplement now let's dive in to part number two how money is made on adsense it's actually very simple over here you have the adwords program the adwords program.

    Is where advertisers come and bid on keywords and types of traffic that they want so they could say i want to be on sites that are about mortgages or i just want to be on google for the word.

    Mortgages they differentiate and if they say what they want to be on sites about mortgages then the ad sense platform is going to go out there and find their ad it's going to look at your site and.

    Determine what your site is about and if it determines your site is about mortgages they're gonna put that guy's mortgage ad on your site and you're gonna get paid when people click on the.

    Ad it's actually very simple it's all automated all you do is put a simple code on your website and get paid when people click the ads pretty simple right now of course you got to follow all the.

    Rules terms and conditions and you don't want to do anything tricky or shady just be legit provide good content and people will naturally click the ads that interest them and with that said there.

    Are ways to make more money with your adsense ads by paying attention to a few simple things number one you want to go through and use the ad sizes that work the best i find that.

    The big ads up here don't do as good as a little in content ads so put ads in your content i also find that text ads do better than image ads so if i enable text ads there we go and i also find.

    That it does good if i match the colors what we want to do is black text and blue headlines this is going to stand out it's going to be part of the content and it's going to get you a lot more.

    Clicks and i find that the best ad block is usually the one that's 336 by i think 280 or something like that it looks like this one here right there little rectangle box that.

    Goes on your site this one historically has outperformed all the other ones ten to one for me personally now let's get into part number three the lies.

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