Make Money With Adsense - FULL Tutorial

Make Money With Adsense - FULL Tutorial With google adsense how does one go about making money with Adsense how does it work how do we get in there and actually get the dollars from the Adsense into our pocket well this is the training you've been waiting for we're gonna talk everything about Adsense now I've made multiple six figures with Adsense although I will say it's less than about 5% of my total income that I have earned on the interwebs so it's not like a huge amount now the reason it's not a huge amount is because I find that if I have ads on my site that are placed.

Make Money With Adsense - FULL Tutorial

There automatically by a machine based on what other people think they want to advertise on for my site traffic they're not gonna be as good as knowing what my visitors want as I am so I find that Adsense is best used as a supplementary income stream however would that said there are many multiple seven figure earners with the Adsense program and we're going to talk about how that works and it all kind of boils down to what your contents about so today we're going to talk about this you can see here this is my Adsense earnings so you can see I've made over two hundred and four.

Thousand dollars of that sense again not my main income stream by any means but it is definitely an income stream and I think that some people can use this to their advantage to start to make money and learn about their traffic and building grow which is really cool because sometimes we aren't able to get a affiliate programs for some of our traffic or we might not know what to do right off the bat so let's talk about how this works and how you can make money with Adsense now if you're new here make sure you subscribe and click.

The bell because we have a live training every Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. for you to learn a new topic we also come out with new videos at each and every week that gives you all kinds of excellent value about how to make money online so if you want to make money with affiliate marketing and Adsense and all that subscribe and click the bell so let's dive in to part one what is Google Adsense right and if you can hear me okay type hear me or something in the box and let me know and we're gonna dive in so part one is what is Google Adsense we need to know what this is first because you know it's not just enough to.

Know that hey it's a code I put on my site and I get money right you got to understand how it works you got to understand what's going on because the more you understand about this stuff the more you're gonna be able to earn money now first let's go into what is AdWords okay what is Google AdWords now Adsense and AdWords are like two sides of the same coin Adsense is where I get paid for traffic AdWords is where I pay for traffic okay now they're the same platform they're the same thing if I buy an ad on Adwords I can click a little button and say yeah.

I want to show up on other people's websites or I could say no I don't okay so that is what we're looking at here now AdWords is obviously that thing where if you go to Google and you type in a word you're gonna see some ads right and pretty simple right how many you guys have seen Google Ads type Google Ads in the box right you'll notice a Google ad because it'll have a little green thing that says ads by it ads and things like that okay now what these are is they're known as paid ads these advertisers are paying to show up at the top of the search engines.

And when their ad is clicked on they pay money now Google AdWords is where businesses buy clicks on keywords hence the name Edwards you're running an ad on the keywords and when you get clicks you pay now if you go into the Google Adwords Keyword planner tool you can get an idea of what the average is that people are paying for certain keywords now obviously the word funny cat video is not going to be as expensive as like how to refinance a mortgage okay so we got a look at that so if your site content is about funny cats you're not gonna make the big dollars like the.

Mortgage ones right so you got a look at that now you can use the Google Adwords Keyword planner tool to kind of find out what is going on for various niches so we could see here that for the word penny stocks which I put stocks in here so we're trying to be you know kind of focus on the right thing here so you guys can see how this works linearly or vertically or whatever it is right and you can see that penny stocks the top of pit page bid is like $1 to $9 so the advertisers are paying like $1 to.

$9 per click on their websites now that means that if you generate the click you'll get a portion of that now I got to tell you that advertisers know the difference between search traffic on Google and Adsense traffic on your site so they're not going to pay the $9 a click for traffic from your site most of the time some of them will some won't the most I've ever made on a click was like six bucks or something like that and it wasn't like a bunch of clicks I got it was like a one-off kind of deal okay I've had several hundred like that but it was more or less a one-off kind.

Of thing it wasn't sustainable all right so we look at the top a bid page rain for the low range and the high range okay so they're bidding anywhere from $1 or $2 to $14 for stocks to buy all right now when you go to websites they have the option to make less or spend less money on site traffic right so we got a look at that okay so that's how that works these ads are powered by people bidding on the terms and they only pay when the ad is clicked okay now let's talk about how this works the ad shows.

For the word selected and the business is pay-per-click when the ad is clicked so the click has to happen for the person to pay now much like Adwords and kind of deal the click has to happen before you get paid unless you're doing an impression based kind of deal okay so they pay when the ad is clicked now it's kind of like a bidding war okay so I start out and I'm like hey you know what I'll bid $1 and I don't show up and I try to buck so maybe I'll show up higher or whatever so it's like a bidding war and it's an auction-based ai Quality Score generated price per click so it's.

Like this big crazy algorithm that goes into what a click should cost okay and it also obviously because it's a business it depends on supply and demand are there people that want clicks for this stuff right now for the word funny cat videos not a lot of advertisers so the demand is low but the supply is really high right so very very little amount of money gonna be made in that now refinance alright there's some decent amount of traffic for that so the.


    Demand is really high they want those words and the supplies you know so so so

    It just depends on what you're going after now this is what a site looks like with Adsense on it okay Hospital scam site that I built years ago and you can see these are the ads now it usually says like ad choices or ads by Google this is what's known as an Adsense blog okay or adsense block okay these are Google Adsense ads website owners can place them on their site and their blogs to earn money right.

    So it's very simple it's like okay these are the Google ads the website owners can put them on their site and they can earn money now again remember the amounts that are shown in the Google Adwords Keyword tool are not the same most advertisers pay less for content network ads versus search ads okay so they're gonna pay less for content network ads so you're most likely not gonna see the big bucks so if you go out there and set up a site about like you know how to donate a car to charity which is one of the top money words then.

    You know you can't expect to get like $150 a click because they're not paying that much for content network traffic okay now we don't really know what they're paying and it's all algorithm based so we don't even know what keywords are gonna trigger on our site because it's automated okay so we've got to look at that so you will most likely not see the big bucks now how does this work super easy it's extremely easy this is why people love Google Adsense now before we get into how it works I want you to follow the notice and be sure to follow all the rules terms and.

    Guidelines okay make sure you read them make sure you understand them if a company is gonna pay you like they paid me $200,000 you need to follow the rules like you can't go to a job and be like give me 200 grand and I'm gonna go you know sleep in the bushes it's not gonna work you gotta follow the rules if you want the paycheck so you got to treat this like a business not like a hobby don't mess around really focus on what's going on don't try to buck the system if you buck the system you won't get paid okay we like to get paid that's kind of the whole reason we're doing this okay so here's how it works make sure you follow the rules next.

    You're gonna go into your Google Adsense account you go over to Google Adsense or you just type Adsense in the box and you apply for an adsense account it will ask you for information about your website things like that and then they'll come back and approve you or not approve you or whatever if you don't get approved just you know build your website up a little bit and then try again it's not that hard to get approved you just got to go out there and do it they got to make sure that you're not gonna do anything shady or weird or that your content isn't like harmful to anyone or something like that okay so once you.

    Have your adsense account you're gonna go into ads you're gonna click on overview they're gonna click on buy site and then click on by unit okay then you're gonna get a page that looks like this create a new ad unit very simple okay you're gonna choose display ads okay now you can use in article or native but I really like to display ads because they're they're based on what works because obviously Google wants to make a lot of money and they have more data on what people click than we do and they're gonna make it the best way possible to.

    Get you as much click to rate as you can okay now most of the time we are going to be using display ads okay now you can customize your display ad we're gonna talk to you about some of the best ad blocks the sizes everything like that okay most the time we're gonna use display ads what we're gonna do is just gonna ask you to name your ad unit okay I usually name it like five a website about elephants I'd call it like elephant sight or maybe use my domain name as the ad unit and then it's gonna show you a preview of the ad and then they're gonna go ahead and click create.

    Now once you create your ad block it's gonna generate a code it'll generate a code that looks like this you simply copy this code and put it in your site then the site's gonna show ads much like yeah I have another one good I thought this through right then you're gonna copy the code into the code section of your blog you can put it in your sidebars in your content either certain plugins you can use different things like that once you paste that code on that's gonna put the ads on your site when the ads are clicked you're gonna.

    Make money now you've gotta follow the rules again don't do anything shady now once you do this you have ads and when they're clicked you get paid pretty cool right how many guys are like yeah I get this okay type Adsense if you get it okay and then we'll continue on right want to make sure that you guys are following along here alright now we're gonna get into part three and then we'll take some QA and stuff like that okay part three is how much can you earn now I've earned two hundred and four thousand one hundred and seventy eight dollars with my Adsense again not one of.

    My biggest income earners it's less than 5% of my total online earnings so far I

    Think it's actually less than 2% I don't know math brain is still asleep but I made a lot right now you can't expect to make that or more or less we don't know what you're gonna make a business is a business and I think by now you guys understand that right we got to focus on that and be like okay yeah this is a business I'm not gonna expect to watch one YouTube video and get rich overnight it's gonna take some work and even if.

    You do the work there's a lot of variables involved you know maybe it won't get clicks or maybe you won't get traffic or maybe the ads won't work out or whatever it is okay so there's you can't look at it and be like I'm guaranteed to make money it's not guaranteed you're gonna set this up and again you got to build it now notice important notice Adsense is best as a supplemental revenue source okay I'm gonna read that again Adsense is best as a supplemental revenue source not the.

    Main attraction so where I made a lot of my money with Adsense was with my refinance website okay at a website with mortgage calculators and I had Adsense on it and I also had refi offers now the amount of money I made on the refi offers was way higher than the amount of money I made on Adsense but it was good to get two checks right like who doesn't want to checks as long as one check doesn't make the other lower okay so we got a look at that we got to focus okay so we're gonna take a look at that.

    Adsense as best as a supplemental revenue source and not the main attraction now what we're seeing on average average across the board I actually looked at some statistics and I found that the average is about 0.2 percent or 2.2 cent per view what does that mean if you get you know let's let's get the old calculator out here calculator right so what that's gonna mean is that if I Drive so point two cents so if I Drive one hundred thousand.

    Visitors to my website and I get zero point zero zero two cents per visitor let's make this a little smaller a little annoying here there we go point zero zero two cents per visitor that means I'm gonna make an average of two hundred dollars for my 100,000 views that's insanely low I would be put out of business years ago if I just relied on that so we're gonna talk to you about ways to make more than that we're going to talk to you about some of the examples that I have like my.

    Average was about one set per view my best was about three cents per view and again remember I'm also making money on other things so that's not my only income source so we got to focus on that we got to look at it okay I even put it again Adsense is best as a supplemental revenue source not the main attraction now let's take a look at some of the things that you're gonna notice okay when you go into your Adsense account you're gonna see several things you're gonna see this number here rpm what does that mean that means earnings per 1000.

    Right so if I'm making point 2 cents a click zero point zero zero two times 1000 visitors my rpm would be 20 cents okay if I make a dollar I think it is or let's say I make let's say I make zero point zero three cents like my top one times one thousand clicks that would mean my rpm would be thirty okay so following along type rpm in the box if you get that now there's two important rpms to look at okay the one I'm going.

    To look at mostly is the page view rpm why because you can have more than one ad block on a site I think they allow you three make sure you check the terms and conditions make sure you know that is up to date when you're running yours but I think they allow you three ad blocks per page okay what does that mean that means that each page view is going to result in more than one impression okay so we want the page view one because we want to know how much am I making on the people I'm getting to my website and leads is saying his rpm is.

    Around two to three dollars which we see is usually like the average so we got to kind of look at that and leads if you if you want type in what market you're in like where's your traffic rum is like mortgage or cats or you know what is it okay so rpm that is what we're looking at and page view rpm is for your page views how many page views are now impression rpm is ad view multiple ads on pages so it could trigger multiple page views with that okay so.

    Very very very important okay now here are the ways to make money with Adsense how do you make money with Adsense well there's several different ways to make money with the old Adsense okay one is blogging you could set up a blog you can get some traffic you could put ads on it and boom there you go pretty cool right not that hard to do we're doing a traffic test you guys might have heard about where we're we own about a thousand dollars worth of articles I'm putting them on my website we're only like three days into it and I'm already getting traffic or five days I think but most of the days I didn't even do anything right we're already starting to.

    Get traffic so blogging and getting traffic is not that difficult to do but again you got to look at it and say okay well how much am I going to make on these things and lead stick around we'll give you a cold tip at the end to show you how to make money with your sports football site he's got sports sites so so we'll look at that if you're getting a lot of traffic for that let me know and is it youtuber is it a blog okay so blogging is a big one a lot of marketers make a lot of money with Adsense with blogging they simply put the ad blocks on their.

    Site and they get paid when people click now I get to tell you most people that are just doing this method are leaving a lot of money on the table like leads I know he's leaving a lot of money on the table because he's not really making that much okay so we got to look at that next we have websites blogging and websites are pretty much the same thing just a different platform right a website is like a hard to make blog a blog is a little bit easier to make so that's the difference between those now I've made money with both blogs and websites I've made money with free.

    Traffic and paid traffic and you really really got to focus on this okay the next way one of the more popular ways to make money with Adsense recently is using the YouTube Partner Program now the YouTube Partner Program allows you to put those ads on your video you just click a button it'll automatically run the ads on the video and you get paid per view per impression per click different things like that right so very simple very easy a lot of youtubers are making a lot of money some are making like I think eight figures or something insane with ads on their video now I got.

    To tell you also a lot of youtubers are making a lot more with spot stuff so YouTube ads are a very small portion of the income versus actually running your own business okay next you can have affiliate marketing sites or flipper sites which we're going to talk about in a little bit as well that's going to come into the boosting your income part so Google AdWords or Google Adsense is a good way to make money but again you have to look at what is it that I'm getting from this what is it like can I make more and you have to ask.

    Yourself if the averages are like 2 cents or whatever or point 2 cents per view again because remember in marketing and I'll pull up a notepad so you guys can see this you got a look at two numbers okay two numbers here are your earnings per view and earnings per click and effective EPC okay so this is how it works you got it you got a really really focus okay so we go here and we're like okay earnings per view what am I making.

    Per view well well if the example is 0.03 cents a click let's just say that it's hypothetical I have hit that but you know again hypothetical so let's say we're doing like point three cents per click or per view okay let's say let's say we have an ad and we're getting an average of I don't know maybe it's in a good market and we're getting $1.00 per click okay what its gonna look like is this alright I get 1000 visitors to my.

    Website out of those 100 1000 visitors maybe I don't know let's say 50 click and again these numbers are hypothetical sometimes you can do a lot better than that which I'm gonna show you in just a little bit but let's say I get 1,000 views and then I get 52 click which would be $50 to me right now I got a look at that and I'll be like oh man I'm getting $1 and click that's pretty cool but you're only getting $1 a click for the amount of people that click on the.

    Ad you're not giving $1 a click for everyone otherwise you'd be making a thousand bucks right so you've got a look at that now your effective EPC is going to be total impressions okay you're gonna do earnings over total impressions okay so total impressions what are your impressions on your site or total pageviews if you want to do it that way okay so now if I go out there and I'm like okay well let's say I earned 300 bucks or whatever right so here in 300.

    Dollars and I got a thousand impressions total well let's say I got 10,000 prescience that would be a 3 cent per click okay so you can kind of look at that and kind of gauge it now when you do affiliate marketing the same things gonna happen because the temptation is going to be hey let's look at the offer okay and you're gonna look at the offer and you're gonna be like okay well this offer is making $8 a click or $1 a click or whatever it is but you have to factor in how many visitors it takes to get.

    That click because not everyone's gonna click now I got some methods as I teach you here on the channel where you I've gotten upwards of 99 percent of the visitors to click on an affiliate offer not Adsense that's pretty much impossible to do but an affiliate offer okay and we're gonna show you those tactics so make sure you subscribe and click the bell and check out those videos alright so you got a factor in how many visitors it takes or how many visits it takes to get that click because that's gonna determine how much you're going to be able to make because.

    You're effective EPC is the number you use to say how much is my traffic worth this is important when you're going after free traffic paid traffic any traffic because you got to know your metrics okay very important now here are ways to boost your Adsense income again make sure you follow all terms and conditions don't do anything shady don't do anything they don't like focus and do what they want okay now the first way to boost your income tips is content okay what is your.

    Content about if your contents about you know I don't know spreadsheets right maybe you're out there and you're like I'm gonna go for like budgeting spreadsheets or something and you got all these spreadsheets on your site and all these people are coming in for budgeting spreadsheets and what's gonna happen is Google Adsense is going to trigger ads budgeting spreadsheets which don't pay that much right maybe you'll get like 11 cents a click or something like that or less than that probably okay so what's gonna happen is they're gonna trigger ads based on the content now what you.

    Can do is you could either change your content all together and build a new site not the best thing to do if you have traffic find a way to monetize it like anyone out there if you have website traffic you need to figure out how to monetize it because you got the traffic and there are ways even like cat funny cat videos there's ways to monetize it you just have to think outside the box and you have to do it the right way because Adsense isn't gonna work very well in those markets unless you have a gazillion visitors a month then you'll just be playing the numbers but again if you have a zillion.

    Visitors a month like do you want to make a point zero zero two cents a click or do you want to make like a penny a click that could be the difference between you know a thousand bucks in like seven figures so we got to really look at it we've got to focus now what I like to do is I like to take my content and I like to think about what they want if someone is looking for budget spreadsheets maybe I could have a little list on my site where it says what do you want to budget most and they'll say like mortgage and then it'll say car and.

    Then I'll say debt right and then I could take them to other sites which are about more expensive topics and I could say oh hey check out my debt consolidation site for tips on debt consolidation boom now it's gonna trigger your debt consolidation ads and I will make more money right now again do this in an ethical cool way by providing content and you could lead people down whatever rabbit hole you want to leave them down as long as you think it's something that they're gonna be into don't do click bait don't do.

    Junk focus on good content but that's an example of how you can do it that's an example of how you could take budget spreadsheets and maybe to get them to an affiliate offer about Philly about credit or credit repair or mortgages or whatever did that make sense to everyone because if you got that that's like a big aha moment if you didn't get it then I don't know if you're gonna get that aha moment or not but how many of you guys got that type got it in the box and let me know.

    All right cool so content matter is the big one and then flipping the content is the example I used where you flip them into something more expensive something that pays more based on the content so I get a guy looking for a budget spreadsheet and I take him to you know maybe refinance or credit cards or whatever it is okay or I take someone looking for a hardship letter sample for mortgages and I take him to like refi or whatever right did that make sense to everyone everyone got it I want to say a bunch of.

    Godit's in the box give us a thumbs up and a comment if you like this video all right it's a pretty cool alright the next thing next way to increase your earnings is with ad placements okay what are the ad placements or where are the ad placements now a lot of people are gonna tell you all you know put the adsense in the footer of your blog in the sidebar of your blog and blah blah blah that doesn't work as good as.

    Putting it in the content okay you always want to put a article or a add block in the content your article or whatever it is on your site and make it look like part of the content right that's the key to making it work like when you do this you want to make sure that your ad groups are white background if your site's white if not you know match it to your site or whatever make sure the links are blue because people are used to clicking on blue links make sure the text is black and make sure the URL is either black or green okay what this is gonna do is it's gonna be like I had here where it's like yeah obviously.

    DISCLAIMER: In this description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I'll receive a small commission. This helps support the channel and allows us to continue to make videos like this.All Content Responsibility lies with the Channel Producer. For Download, see The Author's channel. The content of this Post was transcribed from the Channel:

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