Best Adsense Placement Tips - Size Matters

Best Adsense Placement Tips - Size Matters Hey guys it's Marcus here from blog profit and today what I'd like to do in this special video is show you the difference between certain ads some sizes colors and settings to get.

Best Adsense Placement Tips - Size Matters

You the most profit and for people who have known me for a while and been to blog profit you guys know that I've made millions of dollars online and hundreds of thousands of that.

From Adsense and I want to show you guys how this works because you're gonna notice on this sample template site here you're gonna see that I have content okay you see the content here in form of.

Text you see the sidebar here okay so this is our main our main portions up here is our header our sidebar and our content area and as we scroll down you can kind of see what it looks like there.

And notice how I have these ads placed strategically throughout the content so that it looks like actual links okay that's the same thing that we want to replicate with Adsense so let's go ahead.

And dive in and talk about where the different placements would go where they look best and where you're going to get the best click-through rate because the more clicks you get the more money.

You're going to make okay so let's say we have this site here now there's several major Adsense sizes one of them the most popular is 160 by 600 it looks like this right so here we could.

Probably have two of these in the sidebar if we wanted to now you'll notice in the sidebar here what I do have instead of this big guy is I have a 336 by 280 right fills up that spot.

Right there I'm very very very important now what we want to do is we want to look at this 336 by 280 and this is in fact the highest converting Adsense size that I.

Have found okay now it's very versatile you could put it in the sidebar here which obviously looks better than this because it's taking up more space and it looks good okay you could also put this.

Over here in your content if I was to replace this and put the content around it you can Center it in your content like this or you could put it you know basically wherever you want to make it.

Look like part of the site very important that your ads look like part of the site so the 336 by 280 is in my opinion the highest converting one and that's what.


    I've seen over time as well so we're

    Gonna leave that one there okay next up again we talked about the 160 by 600 which is the skyscraper looking ad okay that's another one and these are actual.

    Size so you can see how they look on a page okay another one is very similar to the 336 which is the 300 by 250 what you're gonna notice is a little bit smaller so if you're crunched for space.

    Or you have a smaller sidebar you could go with this one as well or you could put this in the content here as well if you have images or something it works nicely because you could put it.

    Side-by-side very very cool very easy to use and it's definitely also one of the better sizes now another one that you're going to notice is one of the banner type sizes okay the banner sizes this.

    One converts pretty decent it is a 728 by 90 okay the best place for 728 by 90 is usually if you have space in your heading here or if you have something on the bottom okay as you'll see it's.

    Pretty big for in content so if we go down to the bottom we could place it somewhere like here and just kind of try to scrape some money off of the people who scroll all the way down okay so.

    That's where you could use that I don't use this one too much unless I'm using a static site right now we're doing this demo in WordPress so I probably wouldn't use it too much but let's go ahead and.

    Put it back up the top so you guys could see it as well okay another size which I don't believe I have a pink box for but I do have this one which is a 7 or it's at 468 by 60 I believe it is right and.

    You can see that this one's very good as well you could put it like right dead center in the content so it looks like actual part of the site and that's the goal that we're going for is making this.

    Look like part of the site okay and this

    Is also a very good one for your ads as well because it blends in it's a good size everything like that and that is a 468 by 60.

    Okay very good now these are your major sizes you could see here which is 728 by 90 336 by 280 300 by 250 or 160 by 600 and of course in your account you can play around with the different sizes as.

    Well now let's talk about placement placement is very important because you're going to notice that people search the web in AF type pattern that means that when they look that's your.

    Site they're basically looking at it in this area so the pink areas that you see here is where most of their eyes go okay and you could look at this by different charting tools and things like that but.

    Basically this is how they look they're reading left to right starting here and coming down this kind of stuff doesn't stand out as much so you might want to put other things in your sidebar to try.

    To get them because the sidebar is one of the places unless you're highlighting it that gets the least amount of clicks okay so let's go ahead and take a look at now that we know the placement let's.

    Take a look at colors and different things like that now you'll notice that a lot of regular Adsense stuff is going to look like this okay basically has a blue border around it blue text green.

    Link or green URL and a black text okay so the blue is the highlighted area that you want them to click on which is good because people are accustomed to clicking on blue which is very important.

    Now what you're going to notice by default Adsense is going to have a border around it okay now we don't want this border because the border actually makes it look like ads right it looks.

    Like okay here's your content and bam here's some ads here right it doesn't look like actually part of the site so what we want to do and I want to show you the difference here right the.

    Difference here would be if I had these in my content with the box around them versus if I had this here right and of course I have like a little line here but that line won't show up so we'll.

    Just make-believe right but you can see here how this looks like part of the site and this one looks like something else okay very very important we want to get rid of that border.

    And we want to keep those links blue and everything okay this again is the 336 by 280 adsense block which is a very very high converting one okay another one we talked about is the smaller one here.

    Like this where we could put this here in your content if we were to put it like right here and again look at how the border makes a difference right the border makes a huge difference in saying.

    Hey this is an ad this is an ad rather than having it look like part of the site like my links do here so again definitely definitely want to get rid of that border and look at how nicely that.

    Looks it basically looks like part of the content right so obviously since Google's going to target this they'll put ads about temper tantrums and BAM now it looks like part of the content.

    Same kind of thing with links up top you can play around with different links and things like that it may be up here right below this so it looks like kind of like a like a menu where they're seeing.

    Different content and stuff like that so very very important again play around with the different ad sizes we have a really killer video on Adsense and placement and how to make money with.

    Adsense on blog profit you can click the link in the description of this video and get that very very good stuff and again remember make it look like part of the content don't point at.

    It don't tell people to click at it don't put big images by it that say click here or anything like that don't do any bait-and-switch but if you use these tactics which are which are well.

    Within the guidelines of the Adsense tos or Terms of Service or whatever right you're gonna do really really well because that's basically what they want they want people to click on things.

    They're interested in and you can see here just by looking at that how good this looks right very important now if I had a black site I'd probably make the background of the ads black and then.

    Different colors and things like that but normally I like to stick to white background blue link black text green URL very important okay and then play around with different sizes different.

    Places like this and watch your Adsense income go through the roof I've seen mine as much as quadruple or more just by adding these simple tactics so have fun with it go to blog.

    DISCLAIMER: In this description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I'll receive a small commission. This helps support the channel and allows us to continue to make videos like this.All Content Responsibility lies with the Channel Producer. For Download, see The Author's channel. The content of this Post was transcribed from the Channel:

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