Adwords, Adsense, And The Content Network

Adwords, Adsense, And The Content Network Hey guys is Marcus here from affiliate marketing dude calm or you can get tons of tools tricks tips and webinars and all kinds of cool stuff about how to make money online as an affiliate.

Adwords, Adsense, And The Content Network

Marketer but right now what we're going to do is we're going to talk about AdWords Adsense and the content network because I think a lot of people get these mixed up but I want to just kind.

Of clear the air and show you the difference between all of them and what each function is alright so let's go ahead and start with adwords AdWords is basically a program that was developed.

By Google where you can bid on a search term and get traffic so for example if i was to type mortgage into here into google right we can actually go in here and the ads if you spell it right i mean.

You definitely have to spell it right so you can see that in fact i can't spell but basically this is the way it works ok whenever you see ads related to mortgage or ads by google or whatever it.

Is that means they are paying per click for traffic from this keyword to go to their site ok they only pay if they give if someone clicks on it ok so if you were going to bid on this you would only.

Pay if someone clicks and goes to your website and we could see here that these ones in the yellow and these ones down the side are in fact paid ads now this stuff over here in the middle the white.

Part in the middle here these are just free rankings or organic rankings that you have to get with search engine optimization and all that other stuff so basically AdWords is talking about.

Buying these ads now you can also buy content Network ads within your account but we're going to talk about that in the difference in just a few seconds but right now what I'd like you to realize.

There's a lot of people my dog included I'd like to freak out about paid traffic and say well what if I lose a bunch of money now there always is a risk that you can lose money but I want you to.

Remember that you control everything if you only want to pay one cent per click you can pay 1 sep four clique or 5 cents or 10 or dollar whatever it is that fits your market and also you can put a cap.

On it so you could say I'm only get a bid five bucks a day or ten dollars a day forward the clicks and then as soon as your account hits ten bucks the ad shuts off and starts over again the next.


    Day you can also pause it and change it

    As you go along so it's very very flexible and the only way you would you know do it wrong is if you're not paying attention so pay close attention and.

    I'll help you with that so that's basically what AdWords is is these ads here in these ads here every time they are clicked on someone is paying money now if you have an ad there and someone.

    Clicks on you're gonna pay the money but of course the goal is to make more than we pay all right so that's what AdWords is the next one is Adsense ok basically Adsense is where you put ads on your.

    Site ok so let's go ahead and go over to one of my sites which is hospital scam com ok on hospital scam com I have the Adsense program running ok it generates these ads automatically based on the.

    Content of my sight now because I place these ads on my site google pays me a portion of what the advertisers are paying them per click ok so if the advertiser is paying them a dollar or.

    Click I'll probably get like 50 or 60 cents per click depending on what the rate is ok so i add sense is where i am paid for clicks on ads that are on my site and this is automatically generated.

    You just get a little code from adsense plug it into your site it's a done deal and you make money right and you can login you can see how many clicks you get and how much you make and everything.

    Like that ok so AB sense is me having a site I got traffic I put the code on they click the ads I get paid ok very very cool AdWords you pay Google Adsense google pays you alright the next one is.

    The Google content Network ok this is an important one because this is where I've made most of the money that I've made an internet marketing ok as we talked about earlier there are two sides to the.

    AdWords Adsense coin AdWords obviously

    I'm bidding I pay I get traffic adsense I have traffic I put ads put google ads code on the site and I make money now you'll notice that most of the traffic.

    Google gets and most of the traffic for all this stuff is based on other websites okay so if I'm if I'm out there and I'm searching for like magic tricks or.

    Something right so if i do like fun magic tricks okay what I'm going to see is a lot of these sites will actually have adsense on them okay this here is an Adsense block whenever you see this.

    Little arrow thing this means it's basically Google Adsense okay also we have google adsense here so this guys getting paid when i click on this and when i click on this and when everyone.

    Clicks on the ads okay so now if I am a publisher and I want traffic okay so I'm like okay I'm gonna fill it I got this magic trick offer and I want traffic but I don't necessarily want to just be on.

    Google I want to be on all these sites to write so that's what the content network is the content Network basically means you're bidding on google and you're also bidding on google's partner.

    Sites so you'll be on like AOL search you'll be on any site that has to do with magic tricks right and it's all done by either keyword or domain name okay so i can just go into my AdWords.

    Account and I can do good tricks net and see how much traffic he gets and bid a certain amount ok now the content network traffic is always cheaper than the actual search traffic because it's.

    Kind of like banner advertising right you're just using text instead of a banner or in this guy's case you might be using a banner okay so they're very important to realize in the three.

    Differences is number one adwords i'm paying google for traffic adsense google pays me for clicks that i generate right and the content network is me paying google for traffic via other websites.

    Okay so I pay Google every time someone clicks on these ads right if it's my ad of course not this guy's at but if it's my ad right I'm paying google for traffic and obviously a portion of it.

    Goes to google and a portion of it goes to the site publisher but I want you to know that the content network is a great way to get cheap traffic yes every 15 cent clicks do still exist so have fun.

    With it that's difference between AdWords adsense and the content Network go use them make money go to affiliate marketing dude calm sign up for more videos webinars and everything.

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