Adsense Alternatives For Wordpress Make More Money Blogging

Adsense Alternatives For Wordpress Make More Money Blogging Hey guys it's Marcus here from smart affiliate ads comm and in this video what I want to do is show you how the new smart affiliate ads Pro plugin allows you to control your ads get more.

Adsense Alternatives For Wordpress Make More Money Blogging

Clicks and use this as not only an Adsense alternative but also a way to make more money with the traffic that is coming to your blog because let's face it just having a blog and slapping.

Absence on it isn't the best way to make money it's not even the best way to get most people to click on your ads and I'm going to show you a better way a better alternative with smart affiliate ads now.

Up until now the basic smart affiliate ads plug-in only allowed you one set of templates that was able to go into the content area of your blog that template was an image on the left with some text.

And some content on the right this allowed you to get more click throughs but we thought that it would be better for you to have even more control over the ads that you put on your site and.

Where you display them in the sidebar so in the new smart affiliate ads Pro plug-in we've allowed you not only to put the ads in your sidebar but also for different ad templates you can choose.

From and those templates are text content a very high converting text that goes in your content and tracks your visitors and gets more click throughs text banner that goes right across all.

Of your posts just like the high converting Adsense ads you've seen image banners that puts little images with descriptions on your blog like this this is one of our highest converting.

Templates as of yet as seen on the famous Bible site sports site and more image skyscraper that goes great in content and also in the sidebar of your blog and lastly the image newsfeed which.

You've seen on smart affiliate ads basic and pro and now what I'd like to do is show you exactly how to install and use this plugin and then we'll show you where to get it.

So what we want to do first and foremost is go to our wordpress admin dashboard we're going to go ahead and go down to plugins add new and once you've downloaded this plug-in you can simply.

Upload it using the wordpress dashboard by clicking on up plug in we're gonna go ahead and choose the file that we downloaded for me I put it in this folder and then I put it in.


    Smart affiliate ads test folder right

    Like this and for you you could have it on your desktop and wherever you save the plugin we're gonna click on Install Now and then once it installs it'll put.

    A little tab down here on our dashboard that you can use to edit and everything like that but first we're gonna go ahead and activate it and then our little icon should show up here so now you could see.

    The smart affiliate ads icon now what we want to do is we're gonna take this site which is our Harpal own site and we're going to go ahead and put some ads on this and use the plug-in within the.

    Content so we're gonna go ahead and go back to our dashboard go to smart affiliate ads like this and we have our smart affiliate ads admin tool now you're watching the video that's gonna.

    Be right here in this area but first we want to go ahead and go to manage groups once we go to manage groups all we need to do is create a new ad group you can call this group whatever you want you.

    Can have as many groups as you want and they will track people all over your site to make you tons of money we're gonna call this home and we're the reason we're calling this home is.

    Because it's gonna be on the home page we're gonna go ahead and use text content and random within group only that way it's randomizing all the ads within this group if you wanted to.

    Randomize all the ones with every group you can do that as well but for right now we're just gonna do within this group now next you have your sidebar settings you can choose to show it on.

    The home page all pages all posts or if you simply wanted it on just some pages in some posts you would enter them there you could always change this later as you see need for more ads for right now.

    We're just gonna have nothing in our

    Sidebar settings we're gonna hit submit now what we've just done is created a brand new ad group you can see here it's going to.

    Track impressions clicks and the click-through rate next what we want to do is go in and create some ads and this is done by clicking this little icon here this says manage ads of home we're.

    Gonna go into the ads and we are going to create a new ad by on the plus sign we simply enter our ad title something catchy that has to do with harp alone and our affiliate.

    Program so we could do apply for harp loans today we put in our description something like click here to apply for cheap government loans and get approved today there we go.

    Next we put the URL this could be your affiliate offer or a link to another site you own or perhaps if you're selling ads you can put a link there this is where you basically put where.

    You want the people to go so I'm going to go ahead and put this harp loan approval experts offer from Macs bounty let me go ahead and put my affiliate link in the URL tab right like that and.

    We are simply going to choose an image to upload that has something to do with these harp loans or something that'll get people's attention so we go to pictures or wherever we have our images.

    And we're gonna find something that looks loan ish we could put this mortgage image we can put this book here whatever it is we want so we'll just go ahead and put this little book looking.

    Thing and we will hit insert into post now what this is gonna do is it's going to go ahead and create ad number one we can do the same thing with all the different ads you can have as many ads.

    As you want so I'm going to go ahead and load this up with three other ads okay so now you can see that we have three different ads that I have put into our ad group here now you'll notice that on.

    Your home page you can see all the ads and when you click the ad group like this you can actually go in and see exactly which ads are getting the most clicks and different things like that so.

    It makes it very easy to see everything at a glance so what we're gonna do now is we're gonna go ahead and take a look at our ad group make sure everything's okay and we are now going to go ahead.

    And add this ad group where we want within our content so for example if I was on the home page here and I wanted to put some ads under this line or on the top or something like that.

    All I would do is click on the edit tab this could be on a post or a page I'm gonna go where I want to put the ads like right here I'm going to scroll down to.

    Where it says smart affiliate ads short code I'm going to choose our ad group home and as you add more they will show up here I'm gonna choose the position we're.

    Gonna put left right center or random random we'll just rotate between all of them until you get the best click-through rate but for right now we're gonna go ahead and use the left.

    Now we're gonna choose three ads to show on our ad group area here so we're gonna go ahead and copy this code we're gonna put this code wherever we want throughout the content so if I want to.

    Put one here like this put one down here like this and then I can put one down towards the bottom like this I go ahead and hit save or update and when I reload the page you can see that the ads are in.

    Fact showing on the page right like this now I want to show you the difference between regular and random so that you know exactly how this works and why you would want the difference between the.

    Two now you can see one I have random turned on what's gonna happen is it's going to put the ads in different places every time the ad or every time the page is loaded so you can see sometimes it.

    Goes over here sometimes it's up here and it's going to change them and get you the best click-through rate so that's what random is used for the same thing happens with image ads and.

    Skyscrapers and everything like that now once we go ahead and get the ads on the page like this we can always go back to the smart affiliate ads control panel and see how many impressions and how.

    Many clicks we're getting on each ad which is really cool we can also go into this little icon here and change the way that our ads show up so for example right now we are using text content.

    Which looks like this however if I wanted to show my images or do text banner to go across the entire page we can go right like this and text banner will show up like this that gets you a.

    Little bit better click-through and looks a little bit better on some sites also we could go through and we can click this icon to use image ads banner now image ads banner is going to.

    Go ahead and show your images and your ads right like this so it's going to get a good click-through rate as well next we can go through and we can use one of our other templates which is image ads.

    Skyscraper this one is used best when it's used in the sidebar however on this blog we're gonna go ahead and use it in the content so you can see what it looks like right like this and of course you.

    Can always rotate between these to find out which one gets the most clicks on your ad because the name of the game is getting more clicks on your ad to make more money with your affiliate offers.

    Your other sites your Adsense and everything like that and of course lastly when we go in we can choose our last option which is image ads newsfeed the image ads newsfeed will show up just.

    DISCLAIMER: In this description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I'll receive a small commission. This helps support the channel and allows us to continue to make videos like this.All Content Responsibility lies with the Channel Producer. For Download, see The Author's channel. The content of this Post was transcribed from the Channel:

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